kaitee24 Member


  • YOU CAN DO IT! It seems like such a huge amount when you are starting out, but you can do it! I weighed 230 on Christmas of last year and I'm currently at 149, working to 135. You should cut it down into smaller sections so you aren't so overwhelmed. Good luck!!! Just take it day by day.
  • I am currently in a size 8/10, depending on the brand, I weigh 149, and I'm 5' 2".
  • I'm not sure which would be more accurate, I think the important thing is to just pick one and stick with it. It may not be dead on accurate but you will be able to keep accurate count of your progress. Good luck!!!
  • This is a great topic. I think I've missed out on a lot of stuff not just because of my weigh, but because of my self image, playing at the park with my kids, going places with them, swimming with them at the pool, etc. This past summer I have really caught up on things I've missed out on! We went swimming a lot and I wore…
  • I always just stick with the trick of getting your dressings on the side and dip your fork in them, instead of drenching your salad in them. This works for me, saves me hundreds of calories, but I still get to enjoy my favorite dressings! :)
  • I agree with everyone else, of course it's okay...I do not deprive myself of anything, I just have learned to treat myself in moderation. I mean, who doesn't love Mcd's fries! But, maybe next time you have a treat you might just have a small fry, instead of a large, that way it doesn't pack on tons of calories but you…
  • :) That's so great!!!! Congratulations...you deserve to show off, it's an amazing journey. My starting weight was 230 at Christmas time and I weighed in this morning at 161, my final goal is 135 lbs by February (my 30th birthday) :) I started in a size 20 and I'm now in a size 10...and am still super excited about the…
  • Hi there, I was having this exact problem the last few weeks. I don't have any tips for sewing, but I did go to a thrift store and bought some lightly used jeans, so I have some that fit me, (size 10 now! down from 20 at Christmas:]) but don't spend tons of money because I don't want to have to replace them in a few more…
  • Welcome! I'm fairly new to this sight also, it seems to be a great place to get to know people and have support in your goals! Good luck!
    in hello Comment by kaitee24 August 2011