Solutions for Clothes Not Fitting



  • Davali
    Davali Posts: 225 Member
    I just had to bite the bullet and buy some new clothes - I was feeling like I was wearing a sack every day and looked horrendous. The problem is, and admittedly a good problem to have, as I've lost weight, I seem have dropped sizes with less inches lost. When I first started losing weight, I lost loads before my clothes started to look/feel too big - I do think I had been squeezing into clothes probably too small for me on reflection. Now I'm wearing clothes that really fit, I seem to notice them getting too big for me much quicker. It is costing me a fortune!!
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    I just went shopping this weekend to buy new clothes, even though I know they will be too big in 2-3 months. I have to do it, even if it does get expensive. Otherwise, I just keep feeling terrible in my old baggy clothes. Getting new, smaller clothes is a great motivation for me to keep going. And like others said, you can always go to the cheaper stores for now.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    thrift stores!! it may be hard to find pants there, but i've found cute shirts there before. It might be beneficial for you to go to a store like Target and buy a $20 dollar pair of jeans that fit better. for shirts, you could belt them on the waist?
  • lcnelson
    lcnelson Posts: 279 Member
    I roll down my waistbands and it helps alot. I agree with everyone else about Goodwill and Salvation Army. I have bought great namebrands like Ralph Lauren, Karen Kane and Talbots for less than $3 apiece!
    Good Luck!
  • kaitee24
    kaitee24 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there, I was having this exact problem the last few weeks. I don't have any tips for sewing, but I did go to a thrift store and bought some lightly used jeans, so I have some that fit me, (size 10 now! down from 20 at Christmas:]) but don't spend tons of money because I don't want to have to replace them in a few more months, and be out hundreds of dollars!...That's the best suggestion I have. Hope that helps. GOod luck to you and way to go on your weight loss!
  • rhan90
    rhan90 Posts: 26 Member
    My mum sews darts into my pants for me, in the back waistband. She puts two either side of middle and it nips it in. It can actually look nice too if it’s done carefully and measured properly so everything is even :)
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    I've yo-y'd so much over the last ten years that I have complete wardrobes in sizes 14-18 that fit me from 135-175 pounds, lol!

    Anyway, I think charity shops/supermarkets are a good bet for cheap "in-between" clothes. Also try eBay!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I first went the safety pin route to keep my pants up, but as others mentioned, once your pants are baggy in the butt it looks like you are carrying around a loaded diaper, lol. NOT a good look! Not to mention, once I bought smaller pants, people started noticing my weight loss since I wasn't swimming in pants 1 to 2 sizes too big.

    I sucked it up and bought interim pants. If you are in the US try TJ Maxx or can find decent work-type pants for under $15. I bought a couple of basic pants- black, gray, and navy- to get me by. Also, for weekend wear I went to Target and found jeans for $10 on the clearance rack. I am NOT investing in quality clothes until I reach my goal!!
  • frankiesats
    frankiesats Posts: 114 Member
    Sell clothes that are too big for you on ebay (obviously do this in stages... or you're going to end up with nothing to wear and be waiting for the money in your undies!) and then spend this on new clothes... then when they are too big... spend up again!

    I sold my wardrobe (i'm based in the uk) pretty much all of it... shirts, jackets, tshirts, trousers, skirts, dresses and made £900... More than enough for a nice little shopping trip :)
  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    Throw your too big clothes to a washing amshine and set it for 90 degrees. It should shrink them about 0.5-1 size. It worked for me. The only thing is the lenght will shrink too, but not too much...
  • epoint
    epoint Posts: 88
    I roll down my waistbands and it helps alot. I agree with everyone else about Goodwill and Salvation Army. I have bought great namebrands like Ralph Lauren, Karen Kane and Talbots for less than $3 apiece!
    Good Luck!

    Me, too. I've got a favorite pair of lightweight capris that I like to wear for my walk in the mornings, but they are about 3 sizes too big now. I can't find anymore like them with the same configuration of pockets, so I just thread a belt through the loops, fasten it, and roll the waist. I won't win any fashion awards but they're quite comfortable for walking that way!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I personally take all my clothes to the tailor.. and if you go that route, make sure that they cut the jeans and re-sow them.. not just put darts in. They will fit and look much better in the back if cut and re-sown.. the darts tend to make the back bunch up and look weird.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I am at a point where my only dress pants are so loose EVERYWHERE that I need to pull them up when I walk or they will end up at my feet! My problem is that I am currently in between sizes so a lot of my size 16 clothes are still a tad too tight. I have three dress pants just waiting for me to wear but.... I get a muffin top with them and I still feel uncomfortable. I am just going to wait it out one or two more weeks in hopes that it all works out lol.