

  • Completely doable! There lot you can do to fulfill your cravings with food that would normally be off limits but with a frw midifications they come in really low in calories. I have no doubt you will reach your goal be the end of October!
  • Haha, lots of crudites? And water? Really I try to do lean protein ike chicken, but I thnk the first college game day this year I drank like 4 glasses of wine. There went my calories and here comes a hangover on an empty stomach. Plan as much as you can and make up for it through the week maybe? IDK.
  • Well, lean protein will give you calories and keep your fat down. Grilled chicken is great. So is lean meat like flank steak. You may even think about adding protein powder if you aren't a fan of meat. Just some thoughts...good luck!
  • Good advice, Heather. I completely agree!