StarLeopard Member


  • Thanks very much for the data, and congratulations on the weight loss and moving all those numbers in the right direction. I know it must seem difficult and scary to reduce those carbs further but it's really not that bad. The less of them you consume the less you will crave them and that is a very liberating feeling. But…
  • Thanks, Amy. Without knowing your average daily carbs and insulin totals I can't really compute a ratio for your numbers but it does sound like rather a low ratio of carbs to insulin. I don't understand why a doctor would have a diabetic patient on meds that contributed to high blood glucose but I hope the 71 lbs. lost…
  • There is some thought out there that fruit sugar is handled differently by the body than other carbs. It probably depends to some degree on body types. You have to experiment to see what works best for you I think. Why not give it a try? What do you have to lose? Keep us posted.
  • No apology needed. That's perfect. Your Total Daily Dose of insulin is approximately 43 units if I understood you correctly. That would indicate a Carb to Insulin ratio of 1.49 carbs for every one unit of insulin. (Basal is the slow acting and the Bolus is the fast acting.) Your Basal to Bolus ratio is about 13 to 1. But…
  • Exactly. The trick is not to get back on the Carb Craving bandwagon so you will no longer feel the need to cheat. If regular, healthy, nutritious food doesn't satisfy you then you are probably still craving carbs to some extent. I find that if I reduce carbs to the right amount for me, the calories will take care of…
  • Some really good advice here I think. It sounds like you are on top of it and handling it well. There is a school of thought that fruit carbs are handled by the body differently than other carbs so you might want to limit them more if you are not already. I know fruit is suppose to be healthy and it is for some people but…
  • I was able to tolerate it fairly well for the year or so I was on it, and it did help for awhile. But I was a carbohydrate craver and nothing will compensate for that. It's like trying to stop a train with a bicycle brake. Now I'm trying to reduce the amount of insulin I take by reducing carbs and especially low…
  • Great job. I don't know how you do it only testing a few times a week. I still test 4-5 times a day but at least I have smoothed out the wild swings by reducing carbs.
  • Don't suppose you could just ask?
  • Yup. Not worth it in the end. Don't beat yourself up though. Just do what you need to do and learn from it. I'm currently away from home and my routine. It's been a challenge to say the least. Thank god the frozen yogurt machine finally broke. (Low fat but no low sugar--go figure.)
  • I am wondering if you asked your doctor why a drug would cause a hearing loss in only one ear?
  • Yeah, they said it wasn't really an issue though because we don't eat piping hot things that are right out of a conventional oven either. I was just happy to be getting out of a history class.
  • My guess would be that microwaves kill nutrients and bacteria more efficiently than stovetop cooking. Apropos of nothing, I remember a high school "convocation" in the early '60s where a microwave oven was demonstrated by cooking peas. (I now wonder who or what agency sponsored this educational presentation back then.)…
  • Stop and look around you. If they can do it, you can do it. That thought has gotten me past many obstacles. Have a great time and cross the finish line smiling.
  • My first thought is that I've seen a lot worse numbers and the HDL and Trig. numbers are actually pretty good, don't you think? You're right that there's room for improvement there though. The lab results are always higher than my meter results but if you really want to minimize any time difference, take your meter with…
  • Cracklin' Oat Bran used to be. I can't handle all that sugar anymore so I avoid all cereal now except oatmeal occasionally. I miss it mentally sometimes but not physically.
  • Some good answers here. Well done on the weight loss so far, especially with your job. It may not sound intuitive that more calories will help with weight loss but that's because you're probably thinking of this as a "diet". Low/reduced carb is more of a way of life and you have to commit to it and trust that it will work…
  • You didn't by chance ask if they were hiring did you?
  • All of these suggestions are good work-arounds of the problem but the main issue I think is that you crave, your body literally craves carbs because it is burning some and turning the rest into fat stores and then you're soon hungry again. Continually struggling with it is a lose situation every time because it will always…
  • This is cruel and unusual punishment if ever there was. You poor thing. All I can think of to say is there, there. I assume you are looking for other work? You've just got to get out of there. It's kind of funny but then not really. I couldn't handle it.
  • Just a reminder that there is a huge difference between ketosis and ketoacidosis. I only mention it because some folks still confuse the two
  • Me too. I slept poorly and then, when you finally do get to sleep, they wake you up at 4:30 A.M., tell you they have all the data they need and kick you out on the street in the dark without a way home because they don't think it's safe for you to drive after being tossed out on the street half asleep, in a very grumpy…
  • Try breaking the addiction from sugar/carbs which is in a lot of junk food. Good healthy nutritious food will then begin to taste much better and you'll be surprised how much more filling it is. You will get by on much less food. I know that it sounds difficult to impossible but it really isn't. How to break the addiction?…
  • This is very encouraging to hear. I'm in hope of the same thing but it's not always "caused" by just being overweight so only time will tell. Congratulations on your sleep improvement and weight loss. Your progress is an inspiration to others like me.
  • Welcome! Learn about the Glycemic Index and try to avoid eating carbs just by themselves. Always combine them with some protein and fat to help avoid the spikes in your blood glucose. You can also subtract fiber from carbs on the nutrition labels because fiber doesn't affect your blood glucose. Hope that gets you headed in…
  • Yes, congratulations for getting on the right track! I've been debating whether to get these shots myself. The Center for Disease Control says that diabetics in general are three times more likely to die from flu or pneumonia than the general public. But they don't say why.…
  • What number is considered "high" rep? I do 15 or 20 depending on the exercise. I'm not exhausted after the first set but I'm pretty wiped by the third. I've heard it said that high rep is for burning calories and losing weight, and low rep for bulking up. Still true?
  • Digital scales are no more accurate than standard scales for the same money. But they give that impression and are easier to read. You should be able to see a significant difference between before and after if you're drinking enough water. :drinker: "A pint's a pound the world around."
  • If true, there's your trouble. Thirty-nine gm. of carb in a coke, all of it sugar, is not exactly what I think of as low-carbing. Soda is likely accounting for 99% of your cravings in my opinion. Even if it's diet soda, it could still be a craving problem for some of us.