NIKKIDDS2015 Member


  • i'd like to be included if its not to late
  • i have a friend that loves going in the darn sauna drives me crazy when i go to the gym with her lol, i'm like if i wanna sweat and sit, i can do that in my car any time between May and October :) i always figured it did nothing, losing water that your going to drink anyways?! sorry that was my opinion, and is not backed…
  • Y'all don't like biggest loser?! :( i love it :( I do think it gives people the misconception that hey if fat people worked out they could lose 18lbs a week, when in reality what I see, is "if I quit school and my job for 3 months got Jillian micheals as my trainer for 10 hours a day and a nutritionist this would so e…
  • Not to beat a dead horse, but seriously why would you enter incorrect info?! Like someone else said it counts whether you write it down or not!
  • i have the biggest loser challenge game for the wii, and i just ordered just dance 3 but i love the Biggest loser game i like jillian yelling at me, lol "do you wanna be skinny or NOT" lol :) although i feel more accomplished when she doesn't yell at me :) and heck yeah i am embarrassed about going to the gym, sorry,…