

  • I've found that for me, I eat pretty much eat when I wake up, a little snack at 11 (I get hungry then and it helps me curb my appetite for lunch), Then lunch (1 pm), then around 4 another snack then dinner (very light) around 7. I definately follow the "eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a…
    in Eating Times Comment by rch0067 May 2010
  • That's frustrating! I feel like I'm going at a snail's pace since I got on this site. I agree with the other posters, but I might also suggest you consultind with a doctor. Sometimes there are organic things going on that are beyond your control... He or she might be able to assess your thyroid/metabolism and have…
  • I'm totally with you. I cut out sugar completely three weeks ago and I feel so good! It was hard for me for the first couple of days, but now I'm not so tired anymore and I feel great! This weekend I had a slice of cake for the first time and it tasted very bad to me. I couldn't finish it. I also love cheese... but I'm…
  • Oops thank you! Hope it works now.:smile:
    in 52 in 52 Comment by rch0067 May 2010
  • Congrats on your workout regime too! Even when you weren't losing that much weight, did your body feel better and your clothes looser? I bet some of the fat pounds turned into muscle-- that's the hardest thing to do! rh
  • I agree. A pound is a pound. I used to work out at this gym where they had a model of a pound of fat and then 10 pounds. It's huge! And discusting :) When I get on the scale and "only" lost a pound, I think... well at least there is one more yellow-ucky thing out! Good luck!!! RH
    in 52 in 52 Comment by rch0067 May 2010
  • I hear ya. I also have a hard time going out and ordering what I SHOULD eat. Its like words just come flying out of my mouth without it even having been processed in my brain. I find that the more prepared I am, the easier it is for me. If I know I'm going somewhere I'm going to be tempted and I'll eat something before I…
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