

  • Hey, It depends which class you do. Body Attack is very high impact so you can burn anything between 600 - 800 calories. In Body Combat i usually burn around 450 calories. But it also depends on your build, and i also think that whether you are male or female makes a difference. It seems to be that if you are male then you…
  • Hey, I do 540 minutes of cardio per week. The best way to do more cardio is to start doing classes such as Body Attack, Body Combat and RPM if they offer them at your local gym. They are sooo much fun and it motivates you to work harder when you are doing the class with 30 other people. It becomes an addiction :tongue:
  • I dont think it is possible to overtrain. Listen to your body, if you start to get aches and pains (especially pains) then you need to take a break but otherwise do what ever you are happy with doing. I train 7 days a week, usually for more than one hour per day. At weekends i do 7 hours over the 2 days. I have worked up…
  • I would say Spinning, much harder workout and you burn more calories :smile:
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