I was a 5-10 cups of coffee w/ cream and sugar guy for many years, then I developed an intollerence to lactose. Now I use almond milk (available in flavors) and instead of sugar I use Agave Syrup. I love coffee and I really enjoy the way I drink it now. I should mention I'm down to 2 - 3 a day, btw. I think 5 -10 may be…
I'm gonna respectfully disagree. Although, now that I've quit cigarettes, I have had worse munchies than weed ever gave me.
Ants on a log is my favorite thing! (peanut butter and raisins).
I've met a bunch of celebrities but to have been babysat by Annette Funicello would have been stupidly awesome!!
When a post is made, it goes to the top and doesn't get lost or displaced by newer posts. So by contributing to a post, you "refresh" it and bring it back up to the front where more people can see it. Does that make sense?
I hated breakfast for a long time until I quit smoking and drinking coffee and getting excersise! But I put some granola, fresh fruit (blueberries, frozen berries) and a yogurt together in a container and eat that at my desk.
I'm roasting a chicken but I have no idea what else I'm going to make with it. I'm sure quinoa and a salad will be involved somehow.
Stiff Little Fingers?! Nice!!
...But the nerds will inherit the earth.
This is where that old saying "If the shoe fits..." comes in handy.
I'd be eccstatic if i lost a lb a week!
You make some sense! And thanks all for your advice!
Okay, I've been trying to eat back ALL the cals burned but 100 is way easier. Today, I have a 400 cal deficit.
It ain't my bag but whatever works for ya!
I'm an old man so trust me that if you felt your original talk was on the level, honest, you conveyed genuine concern and he still is being defensive then there's probably nothing more you can do. Besides, he'll probably figure it out on his own.
This film scared the friggin BEEJEEZUS out of me when I was 12!! Excellent choice!!
Our ideas of "NSFW" certainly may be different (these are perfectly acceptable and not an issue IMHO) but regardless, you can't argue with results!! Good work!!
I've been smoke free for almost 6 months now, and I feel the exact opposite of you. And it's funny because now that I've quit smoking, the desire to eat cleaner (note I said cleaner, not clean) is huge and I even discovered I was hungry for breakfast in the morning after27 years of not having had breakfast.
I've heard it from more than one person but the most vocal proponent of this theory here in the office would totally misunderstand an article she read so that would make sense. I eat lots of different foods but breakfast has been pretty much the same for me for six months. Anyway, thanks for your help everyone!
Hey look at us being all famous!
Thanks babyblake but I was wondering where the numbers and proof either way is. It's not that I don't trust ya, I just like to read dry, sciency type stuff like that! :)
I would totally log it! You gotta be able to see the bad along with the good to get a decent picture. Also, you'll know how many calories you'll have to burn to make up for it!!
Losing weight would be way more fun if there wasn't so much math involved.
Hey, my wife and I are in Edmonton too!
People can complain about "Canadian socialism" all they want but it is lovely, isn't it!
Okay, there we go. To do it, I just went to TOOLS and found the Ticker thing and then followed the instructions. Then went to forum signature and pasted the code (the one on the left) to my signature space. Easy!
Maybe now??
God, I suck at this... Anyone have an idea of what I'm suppose to do for this signature thingy?
I don't follow any diet but I lifted a South Beach recipe for Ricotta cheese, cocoa powder, and a splash of vanilla extract. Also works with ricotta, lemon zest and almond extract. And yeah, Dee-friggin-lish!!
Thanks guys, I understand the deficit built in thing but I forgot to account for my excersize. I thought it would keep it seperate somehow from the inherent calorie deficit but I suppose if I had thought about it, I would've realized it added it in. Anyway, it was just the one day I was 800 some calories short with the…