

  • I used to use the smith machine with squats and hated it. It restricted my movement. Many people have a problem with the free weight squat because they have poor technique with squatting and end up hurting their back or hate the feeling of "extra weight" on the shoulders for the bar. If you like the free weight stick with…
  • Keep up with cooking some healthier meals at home, but don't go overboard with too healthy or he'll probably not eat and get upset and just go out and get some fast food. I basically ate like crap for years and wasn't a problem until I quit working out a few years ago and just started to pile on the weight and when I…
  • I agree with getting up earlier and try going to bed earlier to fit in a early morning workout. Some people if they can take an hour lunch break use 30 minutes of that to get in a workout or walk. 30 minutes of something is better than doing nothing at all. A big thing is to get into a routine. If getting up earlier works…
  • I've been wondering that too. For the first 6 weeks of my strength training I did more of a circuit training routine and I just used the cardio entry since it did give me some estimate of calories burned. I just started a heavier lifting routine and in the same amount of time 30-40 minutes there is such a huge difference…
  • I need to get me a HRM too so be more accurate on the calories burned. Everyone is different on the rate they loose weight and people are very skeptical on eating back the burned calories burned and at first weight loss drops, but after the body figures out what's happening, it goes into starvation mode and really slows…
  • On days where you are lifting your legs about the only cardio you need is a light warmup before and a cool down after. If you try to do heavy cardio you can over train your legs and it will take much more time for your legs to heal and get ready for the next training (such as cardio the following day). By doing too much,…
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