

  • I'm one of the insensitive ones too. Its like anything in life - if it is handed to you on a plate (excuse the pun) then you don't appreciate it. Those that have to work hard, appreciate how much effort went into it and they make an effort to keep it that way. My Ex Father in Law had gasteric bypass and lost 70kgs, then he…
  • Sam Worthington - he could put his slippers under my bed any time he wants. Probably wouldn't kick Matthew McConaghy out of bed either ;o)
  • Hi Everyone So nice to see so many NZders on here - I was wondering where all the foods in the database were coming from! :o) I'm Tracy, 32, living in the wop wops of the south island. I was about 88kgs at my heaviest (I'm 5'2"/158cm). I got down to 68kgs and want to be at least there again. I started MFP at 78kgs and…
  • Try drinking Vodka, Lime and Water instead of other spirits/mixers. Otherwise, low carb beer can be an option. Dance! As much as you can that night. The next day you have to be particularly careful - hangovers are the hardest days to eat well - no one craves a salad or an apple when they are hungover! ;o) Other than that -…