Who do YOU fancy?



  • TheDudette
    Daniel Craig, Mark Sanchez, Colin Firth and I don't care if you're a man, woman, or tree EVERYONE has a thing for Sofia Vergara.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Oh Colin Firth... Or as I will always refer to him as, Mr. Darcy.
  • mmelledge
    mmelledge Posts: 150
    Oh big time yes to Robert Downey Jr (he is aging so very nicely) and Johnny Depp. No man has a right to look that hot in eyeliner.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Interestingly...there are far more women posting in this thread than men...wonder why that is?
  • leilani♥

    WHERE'd the pic go.. >=[ ... it was ryan reynolds

    That guy!
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Ryan Reynolds- especially as Deadpool (but before his mouth was sewn shut!).
    Randy Orton (awesome thighs)
    The entire Tongan rugby team.
    Make Pattern (lead singer from Faith No More, circa 1996 but not now)
    Chris Cornell (Soundgarden and Audioslave)

    my list is extensive, and ever expanding!
  • Andythefitfamilyman
    Sam and Dean Winchester!!!!!!!!!!!
    my wife would agree with you lol, for me its Megan Fox
  • Scoobies87
    Well if we're going to be upfront about crushes of the same sex..... Angelina Jolie :heart:
  • Scoobies87

    WHERE'd the pic go.. >=[ ... it was ryan reynolds

    That guy!

    He has nice abs, but is a bit skinny for me! I like them hench!
  • glypta
    glypta Posts: 440 Member
    I agree with the OP but also Jensen Ackles is my number one, I'm loyal to George Clooney who's slipped to number two. Mark Ruffalo. Simon Baker gets in there, and there are another couple I can't remember.

    I'd turn for Angelina Jolie, Salma Hayek and Jennifer Lopez (so long's she didn't speak - think she'd be annoying).
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    Up until now it used to be Josh Holloway (Sawyer from Lost) for me. Then last night I watched the new 'Thor' film and have now got the biggest crush on Chris Hemsworth ever!!! That guy is sooooooo ripped, you could cut cheese on his abs.

    So Who is your celeb crush? Don't be shy!

    I just watched Thor, too, and Chris Hemsworth looks EXACTLY like my ex, except he's chubby and has darker hair. But it seriously freaked me out their faces look so similar.
    I have way too many celeb crushes to name, lol.
  • mmelledge
    mmelledge Posts: 150
    :laugh: @ J-Lo speaking! I'd switch for Catherine Zeta Jones.
  • punkischic
    punkischic Posts: 24 Member
    Daniel Craig, Mark Sanchez, Colin Firth and I don't care if you're a man, woman, or tree EVERYONE has a thing for Sofia Vergara.

    Oh my god, I forgot about Sofia Vergara. I'd leave my boyfriend for her. LOL.
  • Sublimely_Self_Righteousreused
  • racyj23
    Sam Worthington - he could put his slippers under my bed any time he wants. Probably wouldn't kick Matthew McConaghy out of bed either ;o)
  • wifeygonzo
    wifeygonzo Posts: 287 Member
    John Krasinski & Bradley Cooper.
  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member
    I have quite a list too but my main ones are

    Dwayne Johnson
    Jake Gyllenhaal
    Jeremy Renner
    Cillian Murphy
    Joseph Gordon-Levitt
    and girl crush Natalie Portman

  • Renee0608
    Renee0608 Posts: 138
    Donnie Walhberg.........holy smokes batman. Really, I'd take any of the New Kids On The Block......but Donnie is perfect.
  • anelahm
    anelahm Posts: 237 Member
    hugh jackman
    garrett hedlund
    jason momoa
    james franco
    hayden christensen