

  • I do the Hip Hop Abs series. There are different DVD so you can change up the workouts.
  • Pumpkin pie is one of my favorite things in the world. I buy Pumpkin Butter and use it on my wheat toast. It is made here in Ozark Missouri by Hallam's. it is 30 calories per tbsp, no fat, no cholesterol, no sodium, 5g of sugar. If you have a pumpkin sweet tooth it is worth buying.
  • I took a lunch bag with me to the football game on Friday night with my tuna on the go, plum, cheese stick or cashews and steamed yellow zucinnie . If you steam them for about two minutes season with salt and pepper and put in with the cold pack they are like eating cold chips. not bad at all, especially with a cup only…
  • I am new to the site also. I started this long journey in 07 when I had the lap band surgery. The day of surgery I weighed in at 387lbs. I weighed in at 266 this morning. I have had some trouble with my lap band but so far I would claim it a success. I had stalled out the last couple of years staying around 270's. I am…