Snunu Member


  • WOW! Congratulations! Some more info about your weight loss would be great! Please share with us how did you eat and exercise. I guess everybody will be interested. Thank you!
  • Hi there, I'm nursing mom of 3,5 months old baby boy and would love to have some support and motivation from other moms. Congratulations to you all with your little angels! Please someone explain to confused mom like me what is an absolute minimum of calories i should fuel myself with in order to lose those extra pounds…
  • Thank you all so so much for your support!!! I didn't pay attention to my inches but now will start.. As for muscules, I do believe I gained some, cause usually my training consists of circuit training and cardio... Anyway, if even i don't see results on my scale, I will not stop this time cause I know that i'm able.. Just…
  • Hi, What about to skip drinking at all in order not to feel yourself guilty after?? In any case, drinking doesn't bring you much pleasure except extra calories on your body.. And gathering with friends is much enjoyable that does it? So why to think about alcohol at all? Sorry, might i don't get something.. Anyhow, my…
    in alcohol?? Comment by Snunu May 2009
  • Hi everyone!! :smile: I'm in this challenge as well!!! Starting Weight: 160 lb Weight by 31 May: 148 lb Isn't that too much? What do you think? Anyhow I'll do more than my best!! And best of luck and success to everyone!!! :flowerforyou:
  • I DO REALLY understand and share your feelings... I asked for support the same as you did cause this time it's a bit hard to make it at my own but i lost before 35 lb and i know what i'm saying and i'm saying - Nothing is more inspirational than you yourself - you deserve to be as you wanna be and in order to reach this,it…
  • Thanks for an answer.. But does stepper work glutes as well or not?
    in Stepper Comment by Snunu April 2009
  • Does anyone know what muscules exactly work if to use simple stepper and for how long should i make workout be for better results? If someone used, please share the results.. Thanks in advance!
    in Stepper Comment by Snunu April 2009
  • Hello, everyone! I've registered 3 months ago with a huge confidence that I can do it but lots of things happened in life and I kind of lost trust in myself.. Deep inside i know that I can motivate myself and I'm strong enough to focus on my goal and reach my goal.. But this time I can't take this motivation and confidence…