

  • taking whole food vitamins, like someone else said. also, if you take a liquid whole foods vitamin, your body can assimilate it easier b/c it takes less time to absorb b/c it doesn't have to be broken down from its solid form. i go to GNC or a health food store near me and try different whole foods vitamin supplements…
  • no one would laugh at you! i love it when people compliment me b/c if they are just a low tipper or in financial hardship and only give my 15%, but tell me that i was a great witress, i know it's not my fault that i didn't get more. i think that's a good thing you do for real! it really changes a waitresses day if someone…
  • thank you! i really do lobe this community and the website! i lost 2 lbs. already b/c it's so easy to keep track and stay motivated! yay! have a great day and be well!
  • so i can eat 500 extra calorie if i want to?! what?! is it christmas?!!
  • so aren't we supposed to have calorie defici at the end of the day, to lose weight. B/c if i burn 500 cal. and then eat 500 cal. over my 1300 cal limit, wouldn't that be pointless? i'm new so i'm not positive i know how everything works. thanks! mary
  • WOW that's all i have to say. i've worked in restaurants since i was 16 too. i cannot stand when you treat someone good and they give you less than 20% that's how i pay for everything. the wage is nothing. covers maybe food for the month or something. she is ignorant. she obviously doesn't understand what it's like to work…
  • when i don't eat raw, it's usually vegan proteins or occasional bread slip. i'm addicted to bread, i swear. lol! also, sometimes soup. i try to make healthy choices if i'm not going to eat raw.
  • i've been transitioning into a raw food diet for a few months now. it's always been hard for me to make changes. lol! so i don't beat myself up if i "fall off the wagon." i just try to do better at the next meal. raw food is full of digestive enzymes and nutrients that your body needs and if you get enough of them, your…
  • i finished insanity. it took me an extra week though becuase me and my boyfriend caught a bad upper-respiratory infection and had to lay-off for a bit. i loved it! i have so much stamina! It was a big wake-up call to realize that i was NOT in the best shape i can be in and that i CAN do way more than i think i can. it was…