

  • A friend at the gym just won her first bikini contest in July up in Westchester, New York, Tarrytown. She worked out 6 days a week. She is a vegan and did not have too much weight to lose. In 12 weeks she lost 10 pounds and gained muscle. She told me that the last week before the contest she was down to 700 calories a day.…
  • Good Luck!! I just started running in May and I am slow as a turtle, but I keep at it. Today in class we ran to the school field and did 10 hill sprints and 200 jumping jacks and then ran back to the gym. I have to say I was in second place for the first time today. Just tell yourself.....YOU CAN DO IT!!! Let us know how…
  • Make sure you change your exercise routine every 6 weeks. You need to shock your body by doing something it is not use to. Take a circuit class, spinning class, increase your weights by five pounds in your routine. Good luck and stay positive one day at a time.
    in newbie Comment by EvieDiNova August 2011
  • First thing... DON"T HATE YOURSELF. There are enough people in the world who will do that for you. Love yourself no matter what...so what your not perfect...is anyone out there really perfect and have it all, health, happiness, money, great spouse, small noise, big bust, etc.,etc. Second, staying healthy is an everyday…
  • I agree with working out your upper body, but remember you can exercise all you want, if you don't eat clean and healthy 90 percent of the time you won't lose weight. It really is a ratio of 90/10. 90 food 10 exercise. Good Luck and stay positive; little changes now will turn into big success down the road. :smile: