

  • I can just see you popping a Tebow! Or did you do a Rocky-at-the-top-of-the-steps instead? Awesome!
  • Yeah, me too. I'm down 14 but I've been at this for 4 months! Great job! Keep it up and keep it off!
    in So Far Comment by chotzi October 2011
  • My latest fetish...Waldorf Broccoli Slaw: Mix one cup of FF or LF sour cream (or a mix of the two), a few splashes of apple cider vinegar, and splenda (or any other sweetener) to taste. Mix into the broccoli slaw and add some green onions, one chopped apple, a few stalks of celery, some dried cranberries, and a dash of…
  • Hi Chan0404. I’ve just recently signed up here on MFP and I’ve never posted anything before. I have run into something similar to what you are describing. Is the “pain” or “spasm” located more on the right and under the ribcage? If so, it could be your gall bladder. I used to get terrible cramp-like pain when I did sit-ups…
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