Stomach Spasms

Does anyone get muscles spams in their stomach when doing crunches or abdominal exercises? This is so frustrating.


  • chotzi
    Hi Chan0404. I’ve just recently signed up here on MFP and I’ve never posted anything before.

    I have run into something similar to what you are describing. Is the “pain” or “spasm” located more on the right and under the ribcage? If so, it could be your gall bladder. I used to get terrible cramp-like pain when I did sit-ups or certain yoga moves or stretches. For the longest time, I thought I was in such bad shape that the slightest exertion would cause me to seize up! Not so. After a friend went through gall bladder surgery, I had the doc check mine and wadda ya know? Bad gall bladder.

    Also, about 10 years ago I had some stomach spasms that the doc said were caused by “adrenaline surges”. I think it was the precursor to the gall bladder thing but one thing I did do was explore yoga and meditation techniques. I found that if I do just a couple of minutes of deep breathing and gentle stretching before exercising I do much better. I think I was carrying all my anxiety over into my workouts and wound up stress-ercising. Exercise is good for stress but not the way I was doing it!

    Anyway, hope you find the source of your problem soon.
