Know that when you are breastfeeding you usually need an extra 200-300 calories per day. Keep this in mind when you are eating. A far as eating goes what helps me is to drink a glass of water every time you eat something. Try to choose something with a mix of protein, carbohydrates, and some fat. I have found that eating…
As far as strength training for a women if you want to build muscle: high weight, low reps; if you want to tone muscle: low weight, high reps. A general rule is 3-5 times a week, but break up body parts you're working out to different days. One day do upper body, one day legs, one day core, one day back, etc. If you go to…
Quesadillas are a wonderful, quick, and healthy dinner!! Or a good old Grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup is great as well! Pasta is usually easy too and not terrible if you use red sauce and put some veggies in there with it. Don't get discouraged. Eating healthy may be a little more on your grocery bill now, but it…
Whenever I am craving salt I just grab a handful of the small pretzels or just some plain tortilla chips. They usually have salt to quench the craving, but aren't huge calorie takers. Just a little can go a long way