CAlivinMO Member


  • Congrats on the baby. Mine is almost 9 months and I'm still breastfeeding and losing! I've been on a slow but steady losing streak and it's been great. You can lose weight while breastfeeding, just wait until your milk supply is established before you cut calories. Working out will not affect it as long as you stay…
  • Caffeine is hard to dodge! I have tried to get my husband off of it forever (mostly sodas and sugary drinks) and what has worked is Spark energy drinks. Only 45 calories, so it's great for our diet, and it's mostly B vitamins and amino acids with a tad of caffeine to help with absobtion...he will have one or two Sparks a…
  • Most gluten free foods are actually higher in caloric value so it is not necessary unless you suffer from Celiac disease or are affected by a sensativity to gluten. Stick with a healty well-balanced diet and you'll be fine!
  • I love mine! But I'm not renewing the subscription because I've used it long enough to understand my body and how it reacts to my workouts. I use it mostly, now, as others have said, to track calories burned during specific workouts so when it runs out I have some accurate numbers to log in here. I've noticed that the…
  • Hi! I'm a nursing mom too (daughter is almost 7 months) of those that can't loose weight while nursing apparently. I've tried cutting calories, adding calories, working out, not working's just not budging yet. I've decided to just keep my healthy lifestyle and see if MFP can help. I would love motivation…
  • I am still breastfeeding my 6 1/2 month old and I was also very worried about supply when working out. I run and do spin and thought for sure that it'd affect my supply. In reality, it was the worrying about my supply that affected it! I ran out of Life cereal (my "life saver") and Mother's Milk tea and my Lactation…
  • You can add me! My daughter is 6 1/2 months so we're about the same stage :) I never thought this would be helpful but I've found I need support from other people who are in the same boat as me right now. I'm one of those whose weight wont budge so this is my next try :)
  • I'd like to join in on the breastfeeding mommy support! My daughter is 6 1/2 months and we are exclusivly breastfeeding, no solids yet. I've been working out since 5 weeks pp. I lost all but 10 lbs but then have gained back 5 and fluctuate by basically I hav 15 to go. I was a my best and lowest weight before…