Newbie...Nursing mother

Looking to find support from other nursing mothers and/or single mothers! I want to get to gym but when??? LOL


  • colesproudmama
    colesproudmama Posts: 29 Member
    I am also a nursing mother and newbie to mfp. I gave birth on July 26 and hoping to nurse for 1 year. I haven't been to my postpartum visit yet, so I am not released to do anything more than walk for exercise yet! also, I am a carb counter because of gestational diabetes. Although, I am not GD anymore I liked the diet and it worked for me to lose weight.
  • CAlivinMO
    CAlivinMO Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! I'm a nursing mom too (daughter is almost 7 months) of those that can't loose weight while nursing apparently. I've tried cutting calories, adding calories, working out, not working's just not budging yet. I've decided to just keep my healthy lifestyle and see if MFP can help. I would love motivation from other nursing moms too! I'll add you :)
  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    Nursing mom here! Feel free to add me! I've been nursing for 20 months. For the first 12 months or so, I only lost about 10lbs or so (after the initial 20lb loss right away), but it is finally starting to come off. Good luck to you! If you have any questions or need support, friend me or message me!

    Oh, and did you know you can search for "breastfeeding" in the food database, and add it to you food diary. It will automatically factor in the extra calories you need while breastfeeding (there are options based on how old your baby is, how many feedings, etc).

    Good luck!
  • aimingforthin
    Also a nursing mom, and mom of 2. Feel free to add me :)
  • VLGmom
    VLGmom Posts: 21 Member
    Me too. With baby #3 the weight just isn't moving... Ugh! Friend request sent.
  • rolliepollie087
    rolliepollie087 Posts: 251 Member
    I, too am a nursing mother. Going strong for 11 months now :) Congratulations to you! And good luck! Feel free to add me, I'm new to this game as well.