

  • How is every body doing? I have been sick for 2 weeks and just starting back into Insanity last week. I am finding it hard to motivate myself to log my food every day, but still am feeling good about where I am heading. I am feeling the need to get motivated though as I am heading into 4 weeks @ it. Anyone else feeling the…
  • Hope you got over the sinus infection and are back into it! I tried exercising after 2 days sick but then had to call it a day for another week. I am glad I did. Got over my illness after 2 weeks and now I am back at Insanity where i Left off. I must say it was like starting all over again - I felt my fitness levels had…
  • Day 2 of sickness for me today. There was no way I could exercise yesterday as was in bed all day. I personally feel you should let yourself get better and then rejoin insanity where you stopped. But I was very aware of what I was eating yesterday! Pain being sick!
  • I am the same on the pushups - at a push I can do 5. But you know, in the beginning I could only do 1 (and I was amazed at that!). Baby steps - you will get there. Would regard to not being good at the weekends, I am very like that. I have no problem during the week but once the weekend comes I lose the run of myself. I…
  • Day 11 today and I am so relieved it is cardio recovery today. I did Plyometric Cardio Circuit yesterday and I found it really tough. I find the ground work the hardest - plank moves and push-ups. The only thing that keeps me going sometimes is looking at the fit people doing Insanity having major difficulty. Tomorrow is…
  • Goal: Lose weight and firm up my belly Starting weight: 141 Current weight: 141 Goal weight: 125 Day of Insanity: 9 I am doing the 60 day challenge with Insanity and managing it so far. But I do find the workouts really tough. What does everyone else think? I am doing it with my husband and he finds it pretty tough too!…