

  • Hey! This site is pretty great, really helps. It took me years to get motivated to exercise but the more you do it the more you wanna do it! Ask away if you have any questions.
  • I know exactly what you mean, I've had to break from awesome gains at the gym due to a strained back. I would just go easy on the ankle, those injuries can be tricky and may come back to bite you. Look around for exercises that don't put any strain on your ankle until it is better, that should give your ankle time to heal…
  • Nope, you're good. I lift weights often, so "over" in my protein consumption is normal and I've been right on track. Protein is fuel for your muscles, so being under in energy consumption but over in protein will burn more fat while strengthening your muscles. The only weight it would cause you to retain is muscle weight,…
  • You get a lot of the push for most chest exercise from your triceps. Probably just got a good workout in and they're a little underworked. I started making myself do push-ups all the time and my upper arms were angrier about it than my chest. As long as it's regular soreness, you should be good to go.
  • Ditto. I have a weight bench at home that I use at least 4 times a week and hit the full gym once or twice. I get my cardio from lots and lots of bicycling. It's been pretty effective.
  • That's my main source of cardio, I have a 4 mile round trip to and from school plus whatever side trips I take. I ride pretty hard but even going at a moderate pace it's still great exercise, and you get amazingly toned legs.
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