
Just curious what you all do when you get hurt. I know the obvious to listen to your body... I took a fall playing racket ball and twisted/sprained my ankle. The pain isn't horrible I am still on it all day at work as a carpenter it swells a little more during the day but the pain isn't that bad. Its severely bruised and slightly swollen am I foolish to want to get back to the gym? Does it matter if I don't let it heal completely? Just curious I finally got into the gym and motivated to go on a regular basis, if I take a break not sure my motivation will be the same.

In a hurry to get back to it,


  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    When I tore my ligament in my ankle I didn't have a chance to let it heal completely (had a 3 month old to look after) and now with cold weather I deal with pain because of it. I think it is important that if you have an injury let it heal and work on other areas while it does. Injuries suck and take time to heal but it's better than having to put up with it for a lifetime. Hope it heals quickly for you :smile:
  • daves160
    daves160 Posts: 600
    Go to the gym and work on other parts of the body, while letting the ankle rest a bit. Keep it iced, and try putting Arnica salve or ointment on it. Moving will keep it from getting stiff if you can do that without further aggrivation.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    You can still lift weights.

    Swim for cardio? Stationary bike?
  • ruledbyreason
    I know exactly what you mean, I've had to break from awesome gains at the gym due to a strained back. I would just go easy on the ankle, those injuries can be tricky and may come back to bite you. Look around for exercises that don't put any strain on your ankle until it is better, that should give your ankle time to heal properly and keep you in the gym routine. Upper body, arms, etc. I know how you feel though, I'm on week 2 of a doctor mandated 3 or 4 week break from gym and I'm going crazy just cycling and doing crunches. Good luck, hope you feel better soon!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    If you aren't already, you might look into wrapping that ankle to give it as much support as possible while you are working (not exercising!) Make sure to elevate that ankle as much as possible at night. That should help to keep the swelling down overall.

    While I understand your desire to get into working out, you'll run the risk of permanently injuring yourself if you do. If you have severe bruising, something is definitely injured inside. Continuing to overuse it can definitely cause issues. Find something which doesn't hurt your ankle you can do. Core work like crunches, side leg lifts and upper body weight work are options.
  • yeroc39
    yeroc39 Posts: 55
    Jake. I have sprained (which is really torn or strained ligaments...but sounds worse) my ankle numerous times and tried to work through it as a runner and triathlete. Its tough because I know you don't want to miss workout time. The other thing working against you a bit is that you are on your feet all day. That will increase the total healing time.

    But with that said, there are still things you can do. First you should be wrapping it for work and alternating ice and heat when you come home. Keep it elevated when you come home.

    For exercise, just try to do some non-weight bearing cardio. Riding a stationary bike, or some gyms have the hand cycles that will really get your heart rate up, or swimming. Deep water running is really great to keep your fitness up becasue you do it in the deep end of the pool and there is no stress on your ankle.

    Here's the other thing, when you don't let it heal the way its supposed to, like most of us don't, the chance of it happening again is pretty definite. So you need to strengthen it when it heals, and wrap it when you play any kind of sport where rolling it over can happen. I have done it stepping off a curb or running and stepping on a small rock if its soon after its healed. Once you do it, its very likely to happen again. If you build it back up it will be less likely. And if it happens again, 2 keys. Start icing it for 20 minutes on, 30 minutes off IMMEDIATELY after doing it if you can. Do it until you go to sleep that night if you can. Also, there is a homeopathic paste called Arnica. Its amazing. You rub that on and it increases the blood flow to the area. I was skeptical. Twisted my ankle and had a mild sprain a week before a race. Did the ice and Arnica everyday and ran a half ironman that next weekend. Still had some pain, but was pleasantly surprised with the outcome.

    Good luck
  • jakejacobsen
    jakejacobsen Posts: 595 Member
    I guess, I will take it easy, head to the gym and lift. I am dieing for a good cardio workout but I will give my ankle a few more days. Thanks for the advice.