

  • I know what you mean. :) I agree though, that portion control is where it's at. Of course, if we all were better at it we wouldn't be in this predicament. kwim? If you're doing Weight Watchers, I would try just to limit the high calorie food you have in one day and count it. Don't eat it all in one week, that gives your…
  • Thanks!
  • Has anyone found any information on how many caloried the different exercises burn? I know alot depends on how well you do the exercise... but I was looking for a ballpark figure.
  • Hi! I'm new around here! I was just wondering if anybody has a Wii Fit and how they like it. I have one and I try to use it at least 4 times a week. I love to do step aerobics and hula hoop! My kids also love the Wii fit :ohwell: Every time I get it out they are bugging me to use it!
  • Thanks everyone! I'm from Saginaw, Michigan btw. I'm indifferent on the Michigan/MSU competition... I graduated from Western Michigan :wink:
  • Hi! I'm new to this website and forum. I live in Michigan and i'm a mom of 3. This is a neat weightloss tool! Previously I've done Weight Watchers which has worked 3 times for me. :) I lost around 5 lbs before I had children, then again I lost 50 after I had each child. I have no time or money to go to WW meetings anymore,…