Hard to lose without the correct foods.

Hello all. I joined Weight Watchers for the 1000th time on 11/8/08. I am determined to lose weight but it is so hard to do without the right foods at home. I do not want to waste the food that I already have at home so I am just trying to eat what I have and when that runs out, I will then go shopping for better food choices. Does anyone else have this same problem?


  • ebonyeyes26
    Hello all. I joined Weight Watchers for the 1000th time on 11/8/08. I am determined to lose weight but it is so hard to do without the right foods at home. I do not want to waste the food that I already have at home so I am just trying to eat what I have and when that runs out, I will then go shopping for better food choices. Does anyone else have this same problem?
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    I typically don't buy "special" foods.
    The big thing has to be portion control, especially if the foods are unhealthier.
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    I typically don't buy "special" foods.
    The big thing has to be portion control, especially if the foods are unhealthier.

    I second that, the only things I buy specially are pro activ - due to my trying to reduce my cholesterol without meds. Other than that, measure everything, that way, you won't fee lthat you are depriving yourself.
  • ksimons
    I know what you mean. :) I agree though, that portion control is where it's at. Of course, if we all were better at it we wouldn't be in this predicament. kwim?
    If you're doing Weight Watchers, I would try just to limit the high calorie food you have in one day and count it. Don't eat it all in one week, that gives your body (and your mind) the wrong message about a healthy lifestyle.
  • gabi_ele
    gabi_ele Posts: 460 Member
    I agree with Chubby Bunny, I have all kinds of food in my house and portion control is key. The main thing in my opinion is add fresh foods like salads and fruits and whole grain and lean meats. Don't forget to exercise and you will be able to take it off in no time.
    What I have found is , that if I cut out all my favorite food and tell myself I can't have this or that I will crave it all the time. Now I plan for it, exercise more on the day I want pizza or go out to a restaurant and enjoy my meal. the next day it's back to good stuff.
    I wish you success:drinker:
  • ebonyeyes26
    thanks everyone for your suggestions!
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Also, as you thin out the "traditional" food supply in your home (if you choose) start slipping in some WW foods. Either through cooking or snacks. My mom and brother are both doing WW and I have stared taking that into account when I cook (since desserts are my specialty).
  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Are the weight watcher desserts good?
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Are the weight watcher desserts good?

    Well I don't usually buy their frozen ones....but I've made some of them out of their cookbooks and they aren't too bad. My sister-in-law did some lemon bars a few nights ago....YUM! Especially if you like the tart kind.
  • MellyG426
    MellyG426 Posts: 91 Member
    I agree that you should eat the food you have in your house, clean out the cabinets, definately dont waste it. But just remember to use the right portions, if you dont already have one.... I love my food scale and use it religiously. Then when its time to go to the store, start adding lower cal foods that you love. Dont deprive yourself during your weight loss efforts, or you aren't going to stick with it.