I'm in.
Harder than I thought, but done!:wink:
I want to lose 10kg by Easter and 17kg in all. Struggling with both food and exercise at the moment so need this group for motivation and support. Thanks.
Ok. Count me in.
Did it! Yay! Bit wobbly on the last 20 but did it. Thank you for setting this mini challenge, if I hadn't seen it I wouldn't have done any exercise today as I am full of a head cold and full of self-pity. Feel a bit better already. Thank you.:smile:
Ok, I accept the challenge. This is my first time for any challenges. Will report back. Thanks.
Me too. I started out really well in January 2012 and managed to get work off 10kg in three months, then I fell off the wagon for the rest of the year and gained back all the weight again. So started again yesterday. Am finding it really hard to be motivated in this winter weather though and am full up with a head cold and…
Really like the 30 sec idea. Good mind trick. I might try it, as I am struggling to do any exercise of late. Thankfully some weight has come off to keep me motivated by calorie counting with this website, but when it comes to exercise, just can't find any motivation.
I have not heard of them before, please tell more as we have kale growing in the garden. I juice it with apple, lettuce, lemon and ginger but I haven't heard of kale chips. Are you drying it out in the oven with oil or something, or is it something that you have bought?