

  • That sounds great! Request sent.
  • I love the fact this thread can be motivational! Hopefully another walk this evening. I love the people here. And I have to say thanks; thanks to each one of you for the motivation, advice and stories of triumph here.This is such a lovely community all wanting to motivate, encourage and enjoy part of our life with.
  • Thanks to everyone; it's great to have wonderful people here with great wisdom. And of course people with lovely grandmas and their words of wisdoms. And I had a great workout, it wasn't long but made it vigorous with every minute accounted for.
  • Awesome! You look great.
  • Perdie, I love that!!! I love the fact you have a goal weight that is broken into steps. I think this is something I'm going to apply to my weight loss; I have a goal of 100lbs+. Smaller goals are far easier to reach and once you know it, you'll have made to the top (well bottom in this case). Wishing you the best in your…
  • Hey Woggy! Thanks for replying! And I really appreciate the good words. I understand the bike part, I would love to have one myself but like you said with the small apartments there's not really much room for it. I would love to share baby step ideas = ) -K