Getting ready for a better me!

I'm pretty much new to the being fit lifestyle.
I had an extremely active life until I graduated from high school and then it hit.... the dreaded freshman 15... but I went completely past that.
So I'm working my way back down to a goal weight of 180 and who knows, I may just pass that and keep losing.

So I would love all of the encouragement that I can get!



  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hello Classicalpunk! You are a lovely girl..............and I wish you MUCH success in reaching your goals!

    I find myself not very motivated to exercise, and having a hard time with that. I'm taking baby steps in that area - walking a little more, lifting some small hand-weights while watching TV at night. I'd like to get a bike and ride, but live in a small apartment with no place to store it - have to work on the landlord for that!

    Take care, and know that there are TONS of people here who will support you :)
  • classicalpunk
    Hey Woggy!
    Thanks for replying! And I really appreciate the good words. I understand the bike part, I would love to have one myself but like you said with the small apartments there's not really much room for it.

    I would love to share baby step ideas = )
