Birdetta Member


  • I hit into counters and people with my hips and shoulders for a while there. The space I take up is so changed that I miss judged often.
  • When I make my rice I realy like it with a grated carrot, bit of onion, little celery, and if you want a little bullion. If I have any cooked meat I throw that in too. It works real good if the rice is the 20 min rice cause it cooks the vegis while the rice cooks.
  • Ya some people can loose a lot of weight fast I did, lost about 26 pounds in a month or so. I went from being able to lift up my 125 pound freind and carry her upstairs and into the car, to not able to, lost about half my hair and had to take naps all the time, couldn't hardly sleep at night though. If you don't like how…
  • It's so good sliced up into fingersteaks. My husband loves burritos and tacos. Diced up it makes a mean filler for them.
  • Buy a few nice rental places that make over there own payment. Maybe a apartment complex, or more. Than with that money I would buy a four wheeler.
  • I was running behind a while back so I stuck the old fashion oats in a pan added enough water to cover and let it sit for a while than when I came throw the house again turned it on low and stiring it every now and then but let it cook about 45 min it was so good allmost like cream of wheat. I like it with brown sugar,…