

  • I find that when I am feeling run down I have not drunk any water in awhile so I get my water bottle and take a long drink and breath for a minute and I can start to feel it kicking in. Doesn't always work but at least it gives me a moment to focus on what I might need to do: take a break, drink some water, get some air,…
  • Oh my!!! What would your mothers say if they heard you talk like that? (>. . <) *
  • My husband and I had 3, then they all got attached to people so we then had 6. Then they all had children of their own so now at Christmas we have 11. So how many you have remember THEY MULTIPLY!!!!
  • I try to do it everyday, for just about 15 minutes, in the morning. If I am not doing anything else for exercise I do a 1 hour class. I learned at the gym by taking the beginners' class and got hooked the more I did the more I liked it. At one time I was doing 4 hours a week in classes and 30minutes a day at home but I…
  • OK Folks, this is true for a lot of us. I found that if I start in the early morning logging into the food tracker, I can get going. If I wait until later in the day, I have eaten things I knew I should not have eaten and I find it's :too late: to be on track. Start tracking as so as you have your first sip of coffee, tea…
  • Have you tried yoga? I found it really slimmed me all over, took away those bumps in places I did not want them and helped with the stress of keeping on track. I also found the more muscle I built in yoga, the better I felt and the occasional slips away from the meal plan were more easily forgiven with the extra muscle.…
  • Well, yes. The under lying issues might be that your do not get any "me" time and are feeling stretched into too many directions. Give yourself credit for housework on your exercise posts, I do. My underlying issues are I hate housework so I use it as my exercise. Taking a walk after dinner seems to help me in many ways, I…
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