

  • Organic Oatmeal Organic Honey Chicken Breast Simply natural almonds Strawberries Oranges Organic Salsa Organic Milk Chocolate Milk Greek yogurt Broccoli Green,yellow,red peppers Natural creamy peanut butter
  • I drink whey upon waking about an hr before my morning workout and drink chocolate milk post workout. Then I eat breakfast which is eggs about 30 mins to an hr after I've had my chocolate milk.
  • Boredom is key try chewing gum!
  • How many calories are you cutting?To lose about a .5-1lb a week you should be at 500 calories below what you are burning. Also that feeling is your body reacting to cutting calories you body does not like it so it is trying to make you eat.
  • If you drink coffee have a cup of coffee before you go, just try to drink it black.
  • If you know you are going to have a party on Saturday just plan for it throughout the day by cutting calories at other meals throughout the day so if you do eat you are not going to overboard. Enjoy your self but just remember portion control and just don't over do it.
  • Then make Friday your cheat day and eat clean every other day or cut a few more calories on Thursday and don't over do it on Fridays and you should stay on track
  • Key part of this for me was the makes you feel healthy line.
  • Your body will adapt to whatever you are doing with you food. So try adding a cheat meal in once every 6-7 days and see if that helps you get past those sticking points.
  • Embrace that feeling because it means your diet is working. Your body is craving what you have taken away from it. That is why every 6-7 days you should have a cheat meal something that is not even close to your diet but don't over do it. It keeps you sane and gives you something to look forward to when you get those…
  • Without knowing your age and height hard to figure out your BMR but that should be above 1,500 anyways.
  • You could be over training and that would cause you to stall and you are eating too few calories.
  • Just drink chocolate milk......
  • Your body needs time to recover that's why the say have rest days. Give your body time to repair. Imagine if you played a basketball game without rest just non stop. It's the same you need time to rest and recover.
  • Don't think of it as strength training but resistance training that you are using resistance like your own body weight.
  • How do you feel you look in the mirror? Do you see improvement in the way you look?
  • Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. That is where most of your calories should be eaten.
    in Breakfast Comment by BigB1924 May 2012
  • Try nuts! I like a handful as a snack they have crunch, and are good for you too.
    in Snacking Comment by BigB1924 May 2012
  • 23 year old student here
  • You will not gain weight and if you do it will be water weight and will be gone in a couple of days. Just make today a cheat day followed by 6 days of eating right following your diet, and you should see no real ill effects from today.
  • Look up exercises using a chair.
  • When your mind and body to not get a long it is hard to deal with. When your mind is telling keep going but your body (knees) will not go any further. It can be very frustrating, but you got to make sure that your body can keep up in the long run. Also 1-2lbs will be water weight. The scale can be evil, use the mirror…
  • You know you are heading towards starvation mode because you will feel weak all the time and not losing weight anymore. Always feeling hunger pains.
  • to lose a .5-1 lb a week you should be eating about 500 less calories than you burn a day.
    in BMR Comment by BigB1924 May 2012
  • BMR is the amount of calories your body will use every day no matter what you do. Most people do not live a life style where they lie in bed in all day and so they will burn more calories then that. That is why most calculators will your lifestyle into consideration.
    in BMR Comment by BigB1924 May 2012
  • Enjoy a cheat meal. Eating something that would not be in your normal diet. Go out to eat and enjoy yourself, or have something that you crave. Enjoy one every 7-10 days to help keep your body guessing.
  • Well you have to take into account your life style. Your BMR is if you just woke up lied in bed and did nothing and then went to sleep. So all that is telling you is that you need at least that many calories a day. So I would suggest upping your calories.
    in BMR Comment by BigB1924 May 2012
  • It means that is the amount of calories your body burns every day just to function normally.
    in BMR Comment by BigB1924 May 2012
  • Only if you are burning more calories than you are eating.
  • Watch out for multivitamins because they tend to be a waste of money because food is so enhanced with vitamins and minerals and you look a lot of food labels you are getting a lot of you DRV and you will just pee the excess out. So best thing to do is go to the doctor if possible, and have blood work done to see if you are…
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