

  • They aren't cheap, but you can find them online. MySizeUSA.com sells them and another website has more links, I think it's Plussize.lovetoknow.com -just type in bicycles in the search box. (Some of the links are dead) Between those two sites you should have pleny of options including tricycles and recumbent bikes. I…
  • I tried some a friend had made and they are wonderful! Great with chili-cinnamon baked sweet potatoes. Did you bake yours in the oven or use a food dehydrator?
  • If CrossFit is a sport, why does the mainsite state it's suitable for people from 18-80 because the workouts are scalable? CrossFit is whatever your personal goals are. Some people join simply to improve their overall health and fitness. Some people join because they want to compete in the sport of CrossFit. A good…
    in CrossFit Comment by hwlnmd February 2012
  • I've been belly dancing for eight years and I absolutely LOVE IT!. Personally, I don't think anything beats a live class with a great instructor, but there are a lot of good videos out there theses days. I'm including the top three I usually recommend/loan to beginners. Numbers 2 & 3 are specific recommendations for belly…
  • I just joined, but it looks like that's your net calories and it depends on how many lbs per week you have as a goal. As you add excercise during the day, that net amount goes up. For example: My goal is to loose 2 lbs a week and I weigh 197 right now (because I've moved to a more active lifestyle). My net goal before I…
  • You look AWESOME!!!! Congrats!
  • You look AWESOME!!!! Congrats!