1200 cals a day?

is anybody elses calorie intake ridiculously low? I'm almost 200 pounds surely 1200 calories a day isn't good?


  • lausa22
    lausa22 Posts: 467 Member
    It's the lowest limit for weight loss. Go adjust it if you don't want to eat so little.
  • rv40
    rv40 Posts: 99 Member
    I just changed mine to 1500. I lose more by eating more!!
  • i do not know about you, but I was at 291 and my dietician placed me on a diet not to exceed 1500 calories a day, 100g of carbs, and every meal must have at least 30g of protein. The caloric intake is not bad, its the 100g of carbs - Everything has carbs!!! I weighed myself today, I am at 287
  • That does sound too low. Maybe because you put your goal too high? i.e. lose 2 lbs per week instead of 1 lb.
  • Tracy184
    Tracy184 Posts: 74
    I started at 207 lbs and 1610 calories. But I set it for only 1 lb per week. Either change your weekly weight loss goal, or just manually change the 1200 to whatever makes you more comfortable. I'm at 192 lbs right now and it's giving me 1550 for 1 lb per week, if that helps.
  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    I'm guessing you have it set to lose 2lbs/week? That's where it will put a lot of people to lose at that rate. I bet if you find you set it to lose 1-1.5lbs/week you'll have more calories.

    The other thing is the 1200 is what you'd be allowed if you didn't exercise...if you end up burning 500 calories one day, you'll find that it adjusts to let you eat 1700 calories that day.
  • I think it's how you have your settings. My calorie intake for the day without exercise is 1,540. I currently weigh 183. I have my goals set on to lose 1 pound a week which is recommended.
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    I changed mine to 1225 and I eat back my exercise calories, so many days I'm actually closer to 1400.
  • also if you exercise you can eat more -- as with all things --within reason ;)
  • Tiffuni
    Tiffuni Posts: 9
    My daily goal is 1200 too and I actually thought maybe it was too much... because its not working.. now im really confused
  • I have that same amount of calories and I struggle staying under it most days too. I weight 170 so it is a little different, but I'm also 16 so you'd think I'd need more calories too.

    My dietitican told me that it is because I have my weight loss goal at 2 lbs/week. She told me not to worry about it if I really do want to lose 2 pounds a week, but one day a week allow yourself to up your calorie goal to 1500. There are two reasons for it: 1) it will surprise your body - it'll boost your metabolism, give you a little extra energy, and keep you from hitting a plataeu and 2) it'll feel good. Everybody likes a little splurge - she gave me some great little things to spend my extra 300 calories that you might not necessarily eat on the other days (like brownie!) so message me if you are really curious as to what they are.

  • mine was set to 1240. i custom set my goals to 1400, most days i dont get up that high but it takes some of the stress off) i've been losing better on the custom then the 1240.

    but you have to find a number that works for you. maybe try putting your goal for 1.5 pounds instead of 2. see how you lose with those goals and once your okay with that limit. custom your goals to a nukber between the 2 goals and see if thats okay.

    good luck :)
  • Oh ok thanks! I have it set to 2 pounds yeah, I usually go over anyway cause the exercise balances it out, what do you guys think a reasonable amount would be?
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    i started at 225 in mfp in January, and my base has been 1200 cal per day, has worked great.
    i DO eat my exercise calories as we are supposed to do as well though *S*... so most days i average 1400-1500 calories eaten as a result. (for a net of about 1200)
  • hwlnmd
    hwlnmd Posts: 8
    I just joined, but it looks like that's your net calories and it depends on how many lbs per week you have as a goal.

    As you add excercise during the day, that net amount goes up. For example: My goal is to loose 2 lbs a week and I weigh 197 right now (because I've moved to a more active lifestyle).

    My net goal before I exercise is 1310 calories. I did an hour of spinning this evening, which burns approx 625. Now I have to eat 1935 today to get to my net calories of 1310 (total calories eaten - calories burned through exercise) to stay on track to loose 2lbs this week.

    Sounds crazy, but I'm willing to give it a shot.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    My goal is 1200. I can do a lot with my limit by eating low calorie stuff. But if you feel hungry with 1200 then I would up my limit :-)
  • change minds to 1500 Cal, I not so hungry at night and losing more weight,and inches
  • I'm in the same boat with you, so I thought the same thing. But don't forget you gain calories when you excercise, so you may have to just do some adjusting to your goals. Between the calories I should be burning every day and the 1200, I net a lil over 1500 for the day...most times that's plenty for me. Sometimes I'm over my daily calorie intake...some days I'm under. By keeping track, I can balance it so that I'm pretty much on target for the week! Good luck to you, and friend me if you want.:happy:
  • My daily goal is 1200 too and I actually thought maybe it was too much... because its not working.. now im really confused

    it sounds like your activity level is maybe too low or you need to change your goal settings to kick start your loss. try changing to 1.5 pounds and see if the higher cals help.
  • I started at 200 and mine was 1360. As I lose it goes down. I have found that eating healthier food with fiber helps keep you from being hungry. After awhile your body will get used to it. I now feel like I am going to explode if I eat more than 1500 a day.