thanks for the info! :happy:
so true! I'm listening ;)
just eye candy and fantasy for silly men. lol!
I actually loooovee it! i have both box sets at home and prefer them to the classes at the gym. you work up and nice sweat and have a whole lot of fun. :heart: :love:
thats funny!
lmfao!!! now that **** is funny!!!!
Meeeee! Because that was freakin well said! you go girl!
from your mouth to our creators ears! ;)
never feel uncomfortable to educate yourself in any form! If people get upset over you asking, then their the ones with an issue, not you!
so true!
exactly jq2122!!! well said!
awesome and rightly stated!
John Travolta!
my fitbit
nicely said!
i have one. it works really well. its worth getting in my opinion.
I agree with Heidi. You are eating way to little and putting your body in starvation mode. Even if you gain some back because you increased your calorie intake, in the long run in will benefit you greatly and less harmful to your body. you need the energy, especially all the good carbs. Just keep exercising like you've…
awesome this answers my question
hey bethad5 I actually just got my fitbit and I really like it so far. The membership with fitbit is free, but you can upgrade if you want more stuff on your site. For me personally, I think the free membership is more than enough. It calculates everything and I wear it throughout the day at work and when I get home I…
hey Heidi, I actually just got my fitbit and I really like it so far. The membership with fitbit is free, but you can upgrade if you want more stuff on your site. For me personally, I think the free membership is more than enough. It calculates everything and I wear it throughout the day at work and when I get home I start…
im going to start running! lol!
I'm with you on this! We are all adults here.