

  • Yea where it is today its a nice respectable beard. trimmed etc. but i can guaranteein a few weeks I'll be auditioning for bum fights lol
  • it can get really ridiculous really fast, I mean If I am not on it I can get to Dumbledore status in no time...
  • was trying to put a picture up but its not workin...
  • i am using a heart rate monitor...the one without the strap tho...which i heard is still pretty good are far as accuracy...i always preach the fat into muscle thing to other ppl in this's just hard cause i've been dying doing everything right this week...but its only a week...
  • i really don't use my extra calories burned...say i have 2000, but burn 650....i never eat 2650, i just have calories in a glass case. usually though, i don't eat the cals I've burned:ohwell:
  • Thanks you guys...i am guilty, no measurements taken. Water intake pretty good, sleep good. I even feel great...not even tracking my water/fat/muscle percentage on my scale..tsk tsk...
  • I'll try that...this is my third week of insanity and this is the first time i haven't lost anything at all. but I am struggling less during the workout calories are actually lower than they have been previous weeks so I wonder if i am actually eating to little
  • well it's good to hear if i last a full month there is a bright side to this thing...i did p90x classic AND doubles (in my prime last year) and the schedule didnt seem as rigorous as insanity. i can definitely see're jumping and on your toes nonstop.Ima take it easy and not let my ego make me try to keep up and…
  • that's funny. but I'd prefer insanity abs over ab ripper x ANYDAY LOL you're absolutely right. I walking even funnier then before the workout. Feels like the perfect workout to be followed by an off day, but it isn't lol I was thinking of doing the hybrid. but I need to up the cardio to whoop myself back into shape..
  • the way you described how it used to be is how I've done it. There is an ease in phases before the lemonade comes into play. The salt water flush/laxative aren't really necessary. I use a herbal tea that I drink even when I'm not cleansing. If you ease in and out right and don't use it as a "crash diet" the weight will…
  • it is. but i always feel great afterwards and lose a little extra weight that stays off as long as I ease back in
  • I did the salt water flush when I did the master cleanse....I like doing it from time to time to boost weight loss from time to time...but since i'm dieting there is need for the full 10 day cycle. The Master Cleanse is an intense cleaning of any reserves and toxins your body holds onto after eating over the years. It…
  • how soon are u starting? have done it a few time...about time to get back