Master Cleanse

I am going to be starting the Master Cleanse ( 5 days not the full 10) when i get back from my sisters wedding to burn off whatever I pick up there along with a few extra lbs...I know doing this is 10x easier when you have people suffering with you. : D

Thinking of starting 9.12.11...thats enough time to get your wits about if you're interested


  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Ive done it before. Why do it? There really is no reason too.

    Im not sure if you are aware of the salt water flush? xD That NOT pretty I promise you
  • sknopps
    sknopps Posts: 166
    i'm going to be lazy and ask what this is, instead of using google. :-)
  • CindiBryce
    Have fun consuming nothing but lemonade for 5 days.
    Ich wunsche dir viel gluck.
  • CgabrielChubRub
    I did the salt water flush when I did the master cleanse....I like doing it from time to time to boost weight loss from time to time...but since i'm dieting there is need for the full 10 day cycle. The Master Cleanse is an intense cleaning of any reserves and toxins your body holds onto after eating over the years. It consists of an concoction of lemon juice, water, and cayenne pepper...normally its done for 10 days...but its great for cleaning yourself out, and losing some lbs in the process..

    check out
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    i'm going to be lazy and ask what this is, instead of using google. :-)

    Haha xD Its a cleanse where you do not eat any solid food. You get a mix of fresh squeezed lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and organic grade B maple syrup. Kinda icky honestly lol. Then at night you drink senna tea (laxative) to loosen up your bowels. In the morning you drink a quart of warm sea salt water and get the raging sh!ts. Minimum is 6 drinks at 200 cals a piece. Waste of time
  • dancingdeer
    dancingdeer Posts: 373 Member
    I would do it with you but the timing is bad! I have company coming the day after that!!! Drat!

    The Master Cleanse is a liquid cleanse developed by Stanley Burroughs in the 50's. It's fairly controversial. There are strong opinions for and against it. With that said - I think we are here to support one another - not the opposite.

    I've done it about 15 times over the past 20 years.

    Friend me if you like and maybe we can do it together another time! :drinker:
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    you can get the same effect faster by eating well aged yogurt.
  • sknopps
    sknopps Posts: 166
    i'm going to be lazy and ask what this is, instead of using google. :-)

    Haha xD Its a cleanse where you do not eat any solid food. You get a mix of fresh squeezed lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and organic grade B maple syrup. Kinda icky honestly lol. Then at night you drink senna tea (laxative) to loosen up your bowels. In the morning you drink a quart of warm sea salt water and get the raging sh!ts. Minimum is 6 drinks at 200 cals a piece. Waste of time

    that sounds horrendous!
  • CgabrielChubRub
    i'm going to be lazy and ask what this is, instead of using google. :-)

    Haha xD Its a cleanse where you do not eat any solid food. You get a mix of fresh squeezed lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and organic grade B maple syrup. Kinda icky honestly lol. Then at night you drink senna tea (laxative) to loosen up your bowels. In the morning you drink a quart of warm sea salt water and get the raging sh!ts. Minimum is 6 drinks at 200 cals a piece. Waste of time

    that sounds horrendous!

    it is. but i always feel great afterwards and lose a little extra weight that stays off as long as I ease back in
  • ladycomix
    . The Master Cleanse is an intense cleaning of any reserves and toxins your body holds onto after eating over the years. It consists of an concoction of lemon juice, water, and cayenne pepper...

    This sounds like part of a zombie master plan. You run slower AND have already self marinated.
  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    i'm going to be lazy and ask what this is, instead of using google. :-)

    Haha xD Its a cleanse where you do not eat any solid food. You get a mix of fresh squeezed lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and organic grade B maple syrup. Kinda icky honestly lol. Then at night you drink senna tea (laxative) to loosen up your bowels. In the morning you drink a quart of warm sea salt water and get the raging sh!ts. Minimum is 6 drinks at 200 cals a piece. Waste of time

    Ha! "The Raging Sh!ts" !!! Sounds like the bowling team league for MasterCleanse!
  • mamax5
    mamax5 Posts: 414 Member
    . The Master Cleanse is an intense cleaning of any reserves and toxins your body holds onto after eating over the years. It consists of an concoction of lemon juice, water, and cayenne pepper...

    This sounds like part of a zombie master plan. You run slower AND have already self marinated.

    :laugh: :laugh: Oh, did that make me laugh!!!
  • peteb79
    peteb79 Posts: 386
    This sounds like part of a zombie master plan. You run slower AND have already self marinated.

    That is great!! LOL
  • Sophie983
    Sophie983 Posts: 119 Member
    Why do people do stuff like that?
    It's horrible.

  • Sophie983
    Sophie983 Posts: 119 Member
    You will gain all the lost pounds back and 10 days is not enough for years and years of eating too much bad fat and sugar.
    That doesn't mean that you should last longer than 10 days! JUST DON'T DO IT!
    Start eating healthy and organic food.

  • alexisrebecca
    alexisrebecca Posts: 39 Member
    I did it a few years ago...I don't think I have ever felt so weak in my entire life before!
  • Lovesparklesandcupcakes
    To each his own - I know I couldn't possibly live through an ordeal of this magnitude but if it has worked for you in the past then who are we to judge? I think a good cleanse/detox is essential every now and then I just use fruit and veg instead of this and I usually only do it for about 3 days with a good calorie count on my side as well.
  • outersoul
    . The Master Cleanse is an intense cleaning of any reserves and toxins your body holds onto after eating over the years. It consists of an concoction of lemon juice, water, and cayenne pepper...

    This sounds like part of a zombie master plan. You run slower AND have already self marinated.

    I heart you.
  • bgirlmyra
    I do this once a year. Great start to start a new year. But lemons were expensive in January and it's usually sold out at my grocery. Guess I wasn't the only one.
  • BrianJLamb
    BrianJLamb Posts: 239 Member
    I did this thing for a day and a half. I can say that the most intriguing thing about the whole process is that your body will definitely **** all over the place after drinking salt water. I have found that eating high quantities of fibrous veges while drinking plenty of tea and water will give you better results. You don't get the straight up "peeing-out-our-butt" experience, but it seems healthier, you get to keep some energy, and you aren't drinking that nasty *kitten*, completely unsatisfying pepper lemon-syrup ade.