crashtech Member


  • Oh, I guess when I get this: I must be mistaken.
  • Not sure I want to pay to read it, until I know more about what he is up to.
  • "Discredited" might largely have to do with to whom one wishes to give credit, however, I would love to see who is discrediting Gary Taubes, and to determine for myself if they have a "dog in the fight." so to speak. Kindly post some sources, if you have them
  • If you embrace the conventional wisdom that low fat, high carb diets are healthy, and that somewhat severe calorie restriction is a healthy way to lose weight, then WW is for you. You don't HAVE to eat WW branded food to participate. Last I knew, they had guides with many popular foods that indicated the points value, it…
  • I should know better to ask a rhetorical question of someone on a forum who has over 13,000 posts. It used to be a pastime of mine to engage in the endless, fruitless back and forth, but now... meh. Got other things to do. But my point of view was not anti-woman, though that poster seems to want to make it so. I merely…
  • Muscular is good, looking like there are steroids/male hormones is not good, imo. Isa Olsson of Barbella's Universe comes to mind. She's crazy strong, but it's like... stealth muscle. Also, I suppose it's great not to care what men might want, but then if that is so, why not just ignore the thread?
  • High potassium can be a sign of kidney disease, or a side effect of medications. A trip to the family doctor might not be a bad idea to rule out some other cause of the cramps you are experiencing, as well as finding out if you are at risk for developing hyperkalemia (high potassium level). Also, I agree about the…
  • I drink coconut water to get extra potassium when I need it, usually with a salty meal. It's an acquired taste, though. You may actually need more magnesium, worth looking into, imho.