weightwatchers opinions please



  • crashtech
    crashtech Posts: 8 Member
    It's just a web site. No payment needed.

    Oh, I guess when I get this:
    Already a subscriber? Log in here!

    Otherwise, click the Paypal button below to subscribe on a monthly basis at $7.99 per month…

    I must be mistaken.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    2 co workers were on weight watchers when i started here 3 years ago. they have both gained back all the weight and then some. one of them was down 70 pounds. not to say anyone who loses weight doesnt have a shot at gaining the weight back, but yeah i say save your money and learn to have a smarter healthier relationship with all food.
  • prettyface55
    prettyface55 Posts: 508 Member
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    All diet plans stop working when you abandon them and go back to your old habits.
    It's just a web site. No payment needed.

    Oh, I guess when I get this:
    Already a subscriber? Log in here!

    Otherwise, click the Paypal button below to subscribe on a monthly basis at $7.99 per month…

    I must be mistaken.

    I go to weightology.net and type 'taubes' in the search field and all kinds of free content comes up.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Totally a scam ... the diet companies make billions off of vulnerable people. Pretty sad really.
  • nygr8guy
    nygr8guy Posts: 77 Member
    I think WW philosophy is that they would rather you eat fruit than ice cream, or an unhealthy snack. I recall when they changed fruits to free food, they also changed the points value on all foods to make up for the "free" fruits.
    Regardless, counting points is the same as counting calories. Right now I prefer counting calories and using MFP as opposed to WW.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Totally a scam ... the diet companies make billions off of vulnerable people. Pretty sad really.
    Wow, Weight Watchers? I'd agree if we're talking about fat burner pills or supplement pyramid schemes or even late-night exercise DVD sales. But WW is a respected company where you can go to learn a sensible diet plan and get some support and accountability. There's no long term contracts. If someone felt scammed, they can simply stop going. It's not even that expensive, compared to like Jenny Craig or Nutrisystem or Shakeology, even. I think it's less scam-like than LA Fitness and most of the bigger gyms. I wonder how much some people really know about it.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Totally a scam ... the diet companies make billions off of vulnerable people. Pretty sad really.
    Wow, Weight Watchers? I'd agree if we're talking about fat burner pills or supplement pyramid schemes or even late-night exercise DVD sales. But WW is a respected company where you can go to learn a sensible diet plan and get some support and accountability. There's no long term contracts. If someone felt scammed, they can simply stop going. It's not even that expensive, compared to like Jenny Craig or Nutrisystem or Shakeology, even. I think it's less scam-like than LA Fitness and most of the bigger gyms. I wonder how much some people really know about it.

    Oh dear, they certainly have convinced you havent they?

    Was it the lovely celebrity on the advert who told you that it was a good idea or was it the 'revolutionary' pro-points idea all covering the 'smaller portion at higher cost' plan.

    That is all they care about. They are a complete scam, and a lot of the people who finish their plan become so bored and pile the weight back on anyway. How convenient for a company selling stuff to people needing to lose weight....
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Oh dear, they certainly have convinced you havent they?

    Was it the lovely celebrity on the advert who told you that it was a good idea or was it the 'revolutionary' pro-points idea all covering the 'smaller portion at higher cost' plan.
    It was the 50 lbs. I lost in 9 months 10 years ago on the program and being a stock analyst and knowing a little about the company and their programs and the industry and a lot about weight loss plans in general.

    What convinced you they're such a scam? Oh, yeah, a channel 4 news segment. How long was it... 30 seconds? 90?

    Was that also where you learned that you burn 300 calories in 15 minutes running?
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Oh dear, they certainly have convinced you havent they?

    Was it the lovely celebrity on the advert who told you that it was a good idea or was it the 'revolutionary' pro-points idea all covering the 'smaller portion at higher cost' plan.
    It was the 50 lbs. I lost in 9 months 10 years ago on the program and being a stock analyst and knowing a little about the company and their programs and the industry and a lot about weight loss plans in general.

    What convinced you they're such a scam? Oh, yeah, a channel 4 news segment. How long was it... 30 seconds? 90?

    Was that also where you learned that you burn 300 calories in 15 minutes running?

    It was the hour long programme and the personal checks I have made. The products I have seen contain very little nutritional benefit over other products, except for they are smaller. It appears that the only pounds they are interested in you losing are nice, round, metal-like ones.

    300 calories in 15 minutes - RunKeeper, Garmin - any fitness device where you can track your running. MFP also agrees. Perhaps I run slightly faster than average as running is my main sport and I train for it. You can certainly get similar results from running regardless of speed.

    In any case, the point I was trying to make is that running is great for calorie loss and it's doesnt rip you off like your Weight Watcher meals.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Oh dear, they certainly have convinced you havent they?

    Was it the lovely celebrity on the advert who told you that it was a good idea or was it the 'revolutionary' pro-points idea all covering the 'smaller portion at higher cost' plan.
    It was the 50 lbs. I lost in 9 months 10 years ago on the program and being a stock analyst and knowing a little about the company and their programs and the industry and a lot about weight loss plans in general.

    What convinced you they're such a scam? Oh, yeah, a channel 4 news segment. How long was it... 30 seconds? 90?

    Was that also where you learned that you burn 300 calories in 15 minutes running?

    It was the hour long programme and the personal checks I have made. The products I have seen contain very little nutritional benefit over other products, except for they are smaller. It appears that the only pounds they are interested in you losing are nice, round, metal-like ones.

    300 calories in 15 minutes - RunKeeper, Garmin - any fitness device where you can track your running. MFP also agrees. Perhaps I run slightly faster than average as running is my main sport and I train for it.

    In any case, the point I was trying to make is that running is great for calorie loss and it's doesnt rip you off like your Weight Watcher meals.
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    STOP!! All of you knocking WW, especially the unlimited fruit and vegetables aspect of their program, need to just stop. I lost 120 on that program all while eating unlimited fruit and vegetables and I lost 120 lbs. The thing is some people get stupid. Lets use some common sense. Just because they say unlimited fruit doesn't mean all the banana's you can eat
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    The products I have seen contain very little nutritional benefit over other products, except for they are smaller.
    I've never bought a WW food product. It's not really part of the program, just an optional extra. I can see how the products could mislead a shopper who's not familiar with their actual programs. I don't think they claim 'extra nutritional benefits', just that the points are stamped on the package so it's a convenience, and probably also a more sensible serving size.

    You must be a very fast runner. I can't burn half that much running. Most non-obese people can't burn more than around 10 calories per minute.
  • jomama519
    jomama519 Posts: 21 Member
    I did weightwatchers approximately 2 years ago. i lost with it but decided i was tired of paying $18 a month for an online option to track in their system which didn't include many of the foods i eat, which caused anxiety, and so i started with myfitnesspal for free. i never did the meetings. the only difference really between the two programs, to me, is that you get caloric values for fruits and veggies in myfitnesspal, while with weightwatchers, they are free foods. if you use myfitnesspal and stick with low fat foods and a modest caloric goal for each day, it'll probably yield the same results since losing is more about calories burned...
  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 604 Member
    Although I have no specifics, I know a lot of people that have had good success with WW. I think the meetings are really important to people who might struggle to do it on their own. Good luck!
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    I did WW and it worked well as long as it was convenient. Like MFP it is what you make of it. If you choose to use points for junk food that is what you do. If you set your calories lower or exercise more you lose more weight. I find WW to be exceptionally expensive for what you get and the support to be more motivating on MFP, but then perhaps I was not as lucky as you were at meetings. I would never go back I am sold on MFP.
  • sjp_511
    sjp_511 Posts: 476 Member
    I did WW 2 years ago. I joined for 3 months, lost about 25 pounds, then continued counting points on my own for a total loss of 35-40 pounds. While is was on WW, I joined MFP to and logged simultaneously for a couple of weeks. WW seemed to restrict my calories more because I racked up so many points with lean proteins.

    The group meetings were a bit annoying. The leader didn't do great trying to get to know the clients. Instead she just talked about herself the whole time and how she lost her weight and maintained the loss. But her methods of diet and exercise are very different than mine. I exercise and try to limit prepackaged foods as much as I can. She relies heavily on prepackaged foods (and uses that to sell WW foods) and doesn't exercise much. I am sure with there are great leaders out there that make the meetings wonderful.

    I have now switched over to MFP. I focus on calories more than my macros (I find that focusing on filling foods and staying away from prepackaged stuff, I naturally hit my macros). I never took full advantage of the WW tools on my phone, but I find tracking with MFP to be easier than calculating points.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    The products I have seen contain very little nutritional benefit over other products, except for they are smaller.
    I've never bought a WW food product. It's not really part of the program, just an optional extra. I can see how the products could mislead a shopper who's not familiar with their actual programs. I don't think they claim 'extra nutritional benefits', just that the points are stamped on the package so it's a convenience, and probably also a more sensible serving size.

    You must be a very fast runner. I can't burn half that much running. Most non-obese people can't burn more than around 10 calories per minute.

    If it is a more sensible serving size, it should be more appropriately priced. Bearing in mind that it is a smaller portion, one would assume therefore that there is more nutritional value to the product to compensate for less quantity, but there isnt. Salt values in crisps the same/more in WW, fat values in meat and chicken ditto.

    Running at even 5 miles an hour (a bit faster than a fast walk) would burn around 150 calories in 15 minutes for me. More so I would imagine if you are overweight as your body has to work harder. Compared to say 15 minutes of playing football, fitness classes, Zumba and all other comparable exercises which people may take up to lose weight, running does more for calories. Of course it isnt for everyone as I can see the repetitive side of it. I am not saying it is the shining light for all, but it was for me.
  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    I think the base program for weight watchers is good, 50 calories equals one point. I think they've gotten too public. Now they want to include unlimited options, and weather a person thinks that common sense would apply, it doesn't. Dieting companies want to make it sound too good to be true. That was just like the Atkins in the beginning..'Eat all the meat you want and loose weight!' Unfortunately when you live on bacon, hotdogs, and hamburgers you develop heart complications.

    There is no easy way around this. If you watch what you eat and take responsibility for your choices, you're golden.
    If you need the support of the meetings then pay the fees by all means.
    Just don't think that weight watchers is some special secret plan, it's just a bedazzled form of calorie counting. <3
  • 00NL
    00NL Posts: 171 Member
    Weight Watchers isnt available everywhere
    so people lose weight on there own
    but if this option is good
    and people lose & maintain aswell then thats good
    so good luck :)