
  • Feel free to add me :)
  • Hey.. can anyone tell me the order of videos for the insanity workout..I seem to have lose my guides... :(
  • My fat is about to shed A LOT of tears today...we're going through a break up :)
  • In my opinion, its all about how YOU feel. Don't look in the mirror for the answer. Is your body functioning properly (won't put gross details ;) heh)? Do you feel light? Check your BMR and see where you should be for your height, age, etc and go from there. Just remember its not about how you look on the outside. It's how…
  • You can do it!
  • Thanks for all the "adds"! I'll do my best to encourage everyone daily. My diary is open (although I'm such a boring eater, no pork no red meat, rare to eat carbs) but there are some tasty healthy ideas in there. Sweat it out! We can do this :)
  • Ha! Thanks lady :) Sweat IS fat crying, I'm convinced.
  • Thanks Jess! Congrats on your measurements, something to be proud of!
  • Hey Paul, Congrats on losing 26lbs, that's amazing. Feel free to add me, my journey has just begun...again...*sigh* Meaghan
  • Hey All, I'm Meaghan. 28 from Toronto. My goal is to lose between 40-50lbs. My diary is open to those to add me as a friend. Shoot me a message and introduce yourself :) "Sweat is fat crying" <--love that quote :)
  • Hey all, I've been on the site for awhile but just started to use it actively. If anyone wants a gym buddy (goodlife fitness) feel free to let me know. Also, if anyone has some healthy recipes, lets share :) Feel free to add me, just shoot me a message introducing yourself.
  • I live at Yonge & Eglinton and after being with Extreme Fitness for over a year I had to get out of there. The location just East of Yonge is TERRIBLE! Their trainers are even worse. If you want to get more insight about Extreme then feel free to shoot me a message. I'm at Goodlife again and actually quite like it. The…