

  • Hi Me and my husband tried this diet ! and He lost over a stone , with me I only lost 5lbs and as soon as I came off I put on 3lbs! its very strick and found I couldnt really go out with it or no fleaxbility, but have applied a few of the rules such as no bread etc.. my husband does the same and he has kept the weight off,…
  • Did a 30min spin class this morning and might go out for a long walk tonight with a job to give me a kick start to the week ! got my weigh in Friday ! and will feel so depressed if no weight loss off !
  • Ive brought them off the groupen voucher I run 4-5 times a week and will be interested to see if makes a difference! Its worth a try ! will let you know !
  • This is so true I am like you and do not belive I react well to carbs through pasta, rice, bread etc.. etc.. but protein does fill me up but suddenly saw this and thought could you have to much? but helps to talk these things through!
  • well I had 85 instead of my 59 but all I had was chicken for lunch and dinner! with some nat yghrt ! and that was it ! Im 170lbs
  • well thats what I thought I also think they have the sugar set low? because as i mentioned on my previous post I have had milk and two carrots this morning and Ive only got like 5 to get to my target for sugar? which i think is a little mean!
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