

  • amazing..congratulations ::))
  • me!! if you're not full yet
  • congratulations!! that's amazing <3
  • oh i feel like it too sometimes!!! but don't give up.. not worth it.. i HATE how easy it is to gain and how HARD it is to lose.. it really gets me down but I guess gaining 300 won't help me much ehhe
  • good luck with that! that DOEs sound stressful so it's not wonder that contributes to weight gain(or at least no weight loss). Motivate yourself by thinking that you will have even more energy if you lose weight for all of your kids. Don't forget you're not superwomen (no one is) you can't and shouldn't beat yourself over…
    in Help Comment by minapina October 2011
  • look at past pictures and think how much better you look now.. and how much better you will look after ANOTHER 22 lbs :)
  • I always stress. My husband tries very hard to help me with it, but its a natural response to everything in my life. If the baby's crying, i stress because i assume the worst, if the house is not completely clean i assume i'm a bad wife/mother so i stress.. and i eat and eat and eat my way out of it.. it's horrible :(…
    in Stress Comment by minapina October 2011
  • i have tried Zantrex.. and it frikkin sucks!! it literattly makes my heart beat so fast, it gets scary.. and even after i stopped taking them for about a week I still have those frequent fast heart beats!! I have tried A LOT of pills.. but nothing works. Going to try a CLEANSE next.. I have before and it didn't do…
  • Omgosh.. the same thing is happening to me!! I get more and more discouraged when I look at the scale.. eating something semi unhealthy just one day makes me gain like 4 pounds the next.. It is the most frasturating thing ever!
  • I have a VERY hard time deciding if I am really hungry or if I really want something just out of boredom!! I say you rent some movies.. or look online for random things.. I look at houses I know I can't afford.. it's fun to day dream sometime and before you know it an hour has passed :) :)