
Just Venting question below...
I have had it with my current employer he called me at 1030pm last night to give me my job for today. I am a carpenter and it took me till 11:30pm to get the tools I needed ready. Then I skipped the gym this morning so I could sleep and then called him this morning and I was going to be 10 mins late cause I over slept. I cant help his disorganization or live on 5 hours of sleep so I over slept. So I called him to tell him I would be late and he gave me the day off. So now I am looking for a job cause I cant deal with him any longer to make it worse he is my brother. Ok now off to get some lunch then off to the gym to burn off the frustration.

Ok now for my question??????????????????

I have heard stress can affect weight loss what do you think? How do you deal with stress? I used to eat as I WAS a comfort eater.


  • I always stress. My husband tries very hard to help me with it, but its a natural response to everything in my life. If the baby's crying, i stress because i assume the worst, if the house is not completely clean i assume i'm a bad wife/mother so i stress.. and i eat and eat and eat my way out of it.. it's horrible :( hopefully this changes for me as it did for you
  • I know what you mean. Stress is downright awful.

    I personally use meditation, walk in the woods, or just take it out on my punching bag.
  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    stress and lack of sleep cancel out any portion controlling, calorie counting and exercise for weight loss efforts.

    I am the poster child of this statement.

    Google: leptin.