Ok Guys: I'm going to do 45 minutes of cardio on the ellitical now! I'll be glad to let you know the results....and post pics
thank you!
It is a challenge! Everybody needs a challenge in life. That's my personal challenge! If I win It's great, but if not I at least tried and that's what really matter. Its me and myself.:drinker:
That's the kind of dress I'm looking forrrr!!!! I Love this design and help a LOT with the waist line Thank YOU!!!!
yeah its extreme and one more point to think about is that 80% of the weight you lose in the first week of the diet its only water
Not totally healthy WAy.... a Bit Unhealthy! LOL
OMG and when I say DIET is real diet = Low carbs, lo fat, high protein and 2 hours in the gym plus more 45 minutes in the elliptical at home In june next year..... I have to be more healthy... alll my family has diabetes and high blood pressure
10 lbs is 5 kilograms, you can lose it in 10 days easily if you exercise and do diet
Hope you have good luck... I'm a newbie too :P
OMG that's the motivation I neeedddd. I'm super interested.......... PLEASE Thank you
Thank you guys!! Yeah I tried medication once and Lost 22 lbs , but medication isnt healthy..... You know that everyone wants to look great and thin and I want that too but in a healthy way! But Thank you for the suppport I'm here to help anyone too :)