

  • My NSV is that I worked out for the 1st time in over a year. I'm a little bit ashamed of that but pretty darn proud at the same time! :)
  • That's right!!! Let's get it together! :smile: I worked out yesterday and I'm going walking today!
    in Week 2 Comment by Kray827 November 2012
  • It was rough riding last week. I really need to cut down on Carbs. But today I am doing well! Worked out this morning and eating healthy through out the day. We can do this ladies!
    in Week 2 Comment by Kray827 November 2012
  • I've been eating apples. Which satisfy my sweet and tangy tastes.
    in 20 in 2 Comment by Kray827 October 2012
  • "The greatest battle is not physical but psychological. The demons telling us to give up when we push ourselves to the limit can never be silenced for good. They must always be answered by the quiet the steady dignity that simply refuses to give in. Courage. We all suffer. Keep going." Grame Fife
    in 20 in 2 Comment by Kray827 October 2012
  • 30lbs in less than 2 months!!! you go girl! what an inspiration! Thanks for sharing!
    in 20 in 2 Comment by Kray827 October 2012
  • I don't want to give up cold turkey b/c I know myself very well....I'll start binge Pepsi drinking. I was up to 2-3 a day but now I'm trying to do 2 a week as a treat for making it through the week. Thanks for the encouragement ladies!
    in 20 in 2 Comment by Kray827 October 2012
  • Good question! I think that is a great idea! When should our set weigh in day be???
    in 20 in 2 Comment by Kray827 October 2012
  • To start the change today, I am eliminating my Pepsi intake....ITS SO HARD! I think this is a good way to start. I also packed my lunch instead of running out for fast food. What is everyone else doing to make a change this week???
    in 20 in 2 Comment by Kray827 October 2012
  • Be confident in who you are and all you have accomplished! Some people no matter how good they look on the outside are so UGLY on the inside. Your post is encouraging for me to pick back up and try again.