

  • My man and I are thinking about getting a Wii system to get our butts off the couch in the evening (live out in the country, no real place to go walking when it gets dark so soon). Have any of you got the system, do you find it helps motivate you to move? Terryl
    in Wii Comment by ersunshine November 2008
  • I'm in the same boat, kinda.. my bf and I moved in together a year and a half ago. I used to be at the gym all the time (hey, I was bored at home alone), and now I don't have time to go, I've changed jobs and the hours are nuts. Also, like your husband, he is not a healthy eater. But, I think I have him working on it, his…
  • :happy: Hi! Sitting here wondering how this weight snuck up on me, I think my metabolism decided to take a big break :( Found this site, though, and the food journal does make you think twice before you put things in your mouth! Wish me luck~ Terryl Oh, btw, the pic is my goal weight to get back to, not where I am now! lol…