

  • I have an incredibly sweet tooth, so i just reach for a can of diet coke. I do always save room for 250 calories of dark hazelnut chocolate at the end of the day though and that's something I look forward to.
  • I will make sure i stay at 165lbs. I've done the hard work, this *should* be easier lol
  • That's a typo, right?
  • +1 for Green Tea or english breakfast tea with a tiny splash of skimmed milk. i didn't snack to start with but, if you do, watch out for the hidden calories like nuts, raisins, bananas (eat apples instead). These are good calories, but if you snack it impacts your main meals and I always looked forward to one largely…
  • thanks for the feedback all! if it helps, my drivers for weight loss were high cholesterol and slightly high blood pressure. all sorted with my new weight, so i am super pleased. it does mean i am now very cautious with milk, butter, meat and pastries. i do welcome anything that i can track numbers with, so i might try a…
  • I didn't do any exercise. i just tracked every calorie and kept my cholesterol low - which is bad news for cookies, cake and meat! best tip. always have a snack to look forward to. I always have 200 calories of dark chocolate at the end of the day when i sit down to watch some tv.