I took those about 2 months ago faithfully, and I didn't lose any weight. The only thing it did was keep me up all day and most of the night. Although I didn't have much of an appetite, I felt sick to my stomach all the time. It may be ok for you.... Good Luck
Grabbing my butt to see if its getting firmer
My philosophy is the early bird gets the worm. If I see a man I'm interested in I will ask you know the standard questions "Are you married etc etc" But I'm not afraid to ask a guy out, plus I think men think you're more confident about yourself
Well aren't you just awesome, for doing that, I wish I could
Diet Pepsi, ILOVE IT and French Fries I haven't had these 2 things in 3 weeks
I use clearasil black head remover. Its like a scrub and I use it 2 times a day. Over a period of 3 weeks my skin looks fantastic. Its kind of expensive but a the dollar general store their brand is cheaper and works just as good. Good Luck
I would have to say that taking separate cars is a good idea. Alot of people are crazy, I guess I have watched too many movies about serial killers, anyway, I'm recently divorced, and I always tell them I will meet them, and yes sex always comes up. Most of my friends who date say the same thing, it's always about sex…
Oh I'm not trying it, I eat the sugar free Natures choice. I love wheat products
I really didn't have much luck with my personal trainer, although I'm sure you will be a success. I had this little tiny girl that really only made me run ALOT, I had her for about 2 months (2X a week)
I just started this yesterday, but i've been working out for 6 weeks and only lost 5 lbs. Can anyone give me some pointers. I don't want to be 200 lbs anymore:yawn: