vgdw Member


  • thank you for this i will keep this in mind
  • iv been stuck about 2 weeks, i do about 1 hour of either walking or running or uphill walking/running on a treadmill everday if not at least 6 times a week, ive only been over on my 1400 food intake twice in these 2 weeks and even then not over 2000.
  • thank you all for the great advise, one more question, i like the odd glass of wine can i still drink as long as i say within my calorie intake or will this slow my progress down? v
    in hello Comment by vgdw September 2011
  • so if i burn over 200 calories should i still aim to eat my target 1200 calories?
    in hello Comment by vgdw September 2011
  • hi, what will happen if i eat less? v
    in hello Comment by vgdw September 2011