
hi all,
im new on MyFitnesspal and have been logging my calories for about 10 days and feel very disheaterned that even tho i have been below 1200 everyday and exercised most days ive only lost 2lbs is this normal, can any one give me any advise?

thank you


  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member
    2 lbs is a good loss for 10 days!

    But you really need to eat at least 1200 calories a day, not below that. Just stick to what MFP tells you and you'll lose weight!
  • vgdw
    vgdw Posts: 9 Member
    what will happen if i eat less?

  • dorisholaway
    dorisholaway Posts: 531 Member
    2 lbs is a good loss for 10 days!

    But you really need to eat at least 1200 calories a day, not below that. Just stick to what MFP tells you and you'll lose weight!

    If you lose to fast, you are more likely to gain it back. And eating under 1200 a day can throw your body into starvation mode and you will be apt to gain also.
  • StarGeezer
    I know it seems counter-intuitive, but you really do need to eat and provide fuel for your body to burn the calories. It's taking a long time for me to wrap my brain around that concept, but it's completely true. And don't neglect activity... even carving out 15 minutes a day to walk will absolutely pay off dividends! Most of all, remain positive! Your attitude is half the battle! You can do it! :)
  • vgdw
    vgdw Posts: 9 Member
    so if i burn over 200 calories should i still aim to eat my target 1200 calories?
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    what will happen if i eat less?


    if you net less than 1200 calories a day (that means 1200 + your exercise calories), your body will eventually go into starvation mode (for some folks, this happens as quick as 72 hours). when your body is in starvation mode, it starts storing everything as fat. obviously you don't lose weight that way.

    losing 1-2 pounds a week is ideal for sustained weight loss.

    if you're not drinking 100-132 ounces of water a day, start doing that. drinking that much water will help your kidneys do their job, which in turn allows your liver to focus on processing food and burning fat.
  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member
    what will happen if i eat less?


    Your body goes into starvation mode and you don't lose weight, you start to hold onto your weight because your body is protecting itself from starvation. But once you start eating, you gain because your body is preparing itself for a famine. Plus, you'll be tired, unhappy, hungry!

    1200 is a really low calorie goal for women anyway, the recommended daily allowance is 2000. So really you are eating less by sticking to 1200 and that is as low as you should go!!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    so if i burn over 200 calories should i still aim to eat my target 1200 calories?

    1,200 + your exercise calories...so if you burn 200 calories, you should aim for 1,400 calories that day (noting that its ok to come up a little short).
  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member
    so if i burn over 200 calories should i still aim to eat my target 1200 calories?

    You should aim to eat 1200 calories, you don't have to eat your exercise calories. Just make sure you eat 1200!

    Sorry, I'm just repeating everything the guy above me says! :smile:
  • sfburdett
    sfburdett Posts: 83 Member
    2lbs is a good loss, if you do that every week to 10 days! Stargeezer is quite correct in his comments the thing you must avoid is having your body go into starvation mode, so keep up to your 1200 limit, and add in the exercise. Good luck and don't lose anything but weight.

  • vgdw
    vgdw Posts: 9 Member
    thank you all for the great advise, one more question, i like the odd glass of wine can i still drink as long as i say within my calorie intake or will this slow my progress down?

  • AoifC
    AoifC Posts: 12
    Hi All,

    I have literally just joined myfitnessplan in a vein attempt at losing 2 stone (28 pounds) before my wedding (Dec 2012).

    Can anyone tell me realistically if this is another gimmick or will I see results if I follow the plan?

    (I joined the gym in late July and attend 3-4 times a week but have only lost 3 pounds.... I will be wedding dress shopping soon so I am very concerned)