aaroncirilo Member


  • Working out makes a huge difference in mine. I was 160/105 very often... then if i increase my potassium intake in relation to sodium makes a big difference. if i have 1000mg of sodium then get 2000 mg of potassium..the 2 to 1 ratio seems to keep me at 120/80 or below without meds.
  • feel free to add myself and my wife jencirilo ..it basically comes down to a decision ...once a decision has been made then don't give yourself unhealthy options.. it's in the "decision" that the will power comes into play. Will power is fleeting and uncertain. Don't depend on being strong and determined. Just decide ONCE…
  • $70 per month for 3 people.
  • i can "duck walk" around a room painting the baseboard without coming up for air..such a time saver :)
  • my goals are 5% Carbs, 20% Protein, 75% Fat .... this week averages are 9%,19%, 72%
  • adjust your food intake to have a macronutrients ratio (total calories) of 60% Healthy fats, 25% protein and 15% from healthy carbs. I eat like this.. never hungry and losing body fat and gaining lean muscle. Good luck
  • feel free to add my wife @jencirilo and I. We love this way of life.
  • research Nutritional Ketosis https://youtube.com/watch?v=KNNXrSa77qk
  • I've lost about 26lbs (from 226-200) in around 5-6 weeks... off blood pressure meds..feel great. the first part I was eating too much protein finally getting my percentages correct. :) my wife has lost about 15lbs in same timeframe.. again we was eating too much protein at first.
  • fat is healthy ..if its HEALTHY fat.. i shoot for 65-70% of my intake to be fat.. 25% protein ..the rest carb. It feels great and losing weight. Keep it up. Good habits = good health
  • lol ..yup
  • eat good saturated fats... stop eating grains & sugars. ..works for me ... EDITED: i looked at your diary ..your total Sugar is way too high..that will put on a insulin/gulcose roller coaster..you will always be hunger until you get below 35 grams a day.. IMHO
  • only small amounts... example: no more than 28 almonds per day...otherwise (not sure why) my weight loss stalls and cravings for other foods increase.
  • I ,mainly do Paleo but I found during wait loss I try to follow ketosis guidelines 70% Fat, 20% protein, 10% carbs... It just feels better plus I actually lose stored fat. No counting calories, nutrition etc...just isn't practical if I'm trying to establish healthy habits. It keeps me honest.
  • yea i would recommend the BulletProof coffee to start the morning. It will give crazy energy and you getting some fat calories. We switched over to Paleo/Keto type lifestyle.. it is amazing how little we(my wife & I) desire compared to before. Fats just fill you up better and without grains/sugars you don't have the…
  • Calories = food you eat ..............................................................................Example: 1600 calories Exercise = the amount of calories you burn during exercise.............. Example: 400 calories Net calories = the difference when you subtract exercise calories ...Example: 1200 calories I find i…
  • maybe because you are depriving yourself of nutritional intake..? #idk
  • if you carried a water bottle if they get really close spray them... i bike (20 mile commute) and the water freaks them out for some reason.
  • ....nevermind
  • I commute to work ..20 miles round trip daily... I think most things including cycling are best when made a routine part of your life. But that is me... i like routine and family time having two boys one in pre-k and other freshman High School football player.
  • i disagree with a "calorie is a calorie" idea.. not all calories are created equal. Start looking at the glycemic index of your intake. Breads of any kind should be cut for a while. More fruits and veggies. Increase lean proteins - to stay feeling full longer plus they help build muscle from your exercising. Stop all food…
  • I live in rural Louisiana and PPE is "sissy stuff" even on 4 wheelers etc.. but i faithfully strap on my helmet because I love my brain and my family. My cousin was on motorcycle without helmet and a car pulled out in front of him. After weeks of being close to death..he has half his skull gone and a totally different…
  • lots of water... enough sleep and morning cardio/exercise. Also.. I converted my desk to stand up desk instead of using a chair. if all else fails i drink a Monster Rehab 10 calories.